Moving in

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Roses pov

Jessica's blow up in the centre last week helped so much with us becoming public, since all we ever heard was congrats from the coaches and the kids. But the wanna be queen bee was so pissed about it, Faith told me that ever since she had started working for her uncle Jess has had a thing for her but she had managed to keep her at arms length. It took Faith a few minuets to work out I was laughing over the whole thing and I wasn't angry with her for not saying anything before ( since we had a lot more important things going on with us). Today was sunday so the only day of the week were we both didn't have to go training, so Faith stayed over and we just layed in bed untill the smell of mum cooking drew us down. No more had been said on the subject of living arrangements, but just by the way mum would stair at me showed how much she was going to miss me when I did leave home. Faith had finally become comfortable with showing PDA in front of my parents, enough to start grabbing me into her arms and kissing properly (not just a peck on the cheek or head but full on passion). To a point where some mornings she wouldn't let go and I ended up sitting on her lap just to eat breakfast, mum would say how cute we both looked but dad never said anything. I would see him smiling at times but that as far as he would ever go. Today he was at the table with mum, who must of only just plaited up as all the food was already on the table ready to be eaten by all. They looked so happy together, I don't remember the last time I ever sore them angry or fighting with each other. I hoped my relationship with Faith was as amazing as theirs, with standing the test of time. 

''Girls we want to talk to you about something serious, can you both just stop eating and listen please'' I loved how mum always referred to us a girls yet Faith was a few years older then me. I put my fork down to show that I was listening. Faith must of done the same as me, since mum was starting to talk again.

''Well you said about living arrangements, of course we would never push you out of this house. Drake and me have been talking a lot and we both came to a solution that would maybe make it easier...... We were wondering if Faith would like to move in here with us. Only untill you both find a place together that you want to live in, since there was talk about selling up. This way you can both save up for a better place, of course we would expect help around the house with cooking and cleaning and maybe some help with bills but it would be a lot cheaper than renting.'' Faith was holding my hand and I hadn't noticed till now since what mum just said had blindsided me let alone Faith. When looking over at her all I could see was admiration for my parents and a peace that I hadn't seen in her eyes for a long time. I hadn't even managed to talk to her about it when she agreed and took the offer. The only downside was that we would never have alone time and if my dad's rules were still in place, we would never have sex again. Not sure how long I could go without sex with Faith atm, It's bad enough having her in the bed next to me and not being able to do anything about it. Dad must of seen the concerned look on my face, He just smiled at me then gave me his cheeky wink. I think that is a hint that he's not expecting us to keep to the rules since we are engaged.  

''Thank you very much for your generous offer, but I don't wish to keep being a berden to you both. You have done so much for me over theys last few months that I feel I would be taking advantage of your hospitality...''  Dad cut Faith off before she could say another word, thankfully since hearing her voice the douts about living here with us did hurt. Though I can see what she was getting at. 

''Faith we have talked at length about this, you are now part of this family. You are more then welcome to stay here as the house is plenty big enough for us all. Plus the selfish side of us don't want to loose Rose so soon. Think about it, talk between yourselfs about it and just let us know when you make your minds up.'' My parents up and left us in the kitching after that. I wasn't sure what they were us to today but I heard them leave the house together, must of gone to get some shopping or they were just giving us some space. I cleaned up the cups and plates trying to make myself helpful while at the same time trying to think about that had just happened. My parents didn't want me to move out just, so they offered to have Faith live with us. Faith had said she was thinking of moving since she hated being in her more since everything that had happened there, It made perfect sense and this way we could both look for a place together and save some money. Since I would soon be traveling around the country for my team, this way both my parents and Faith would have each other for company. Faith still hadn't said anything more to me, she was so quiet that I hadn't noticed her approach me untill her arms were round my waist and her chin was resting on my shoulder. 

''Rose what do you want me to do?''

''I want you to be happy, I don't want you to think you have to anything to please me. I can see what mum was saying, but at the end of the day it's your life and I will go along with it.''

''That's not what I mean baby girl. would you be happy if I moved in here with you all? or do you still want your own space?''  I hadn't thought about it in that way, but did I really still need my own space now that we were a couple? surly if there was any problems we would just talk them over like my parents. I would still have my own space when im moving around for the team as Faith wouldn't be able to come with me to all of them. The more I thought about it the more I truly wanted to share my life with her. 

''No I don't want to have my own space anymore, I want you with me all the time.''  I turned around to now face her hoping she would see in my face how much I wanted her to be here with me. Faith must of seem something as the next thing I knew she was giving me the most passionate kiss I think we had ever given before, hands were now moving over our bodys. Not knowing how long my parents were going to be out the house, using the little time we had was my top priority. Dragging Faith back to my room with enough hast that we stumbled getting up the stairs and started giggling. Our clothes wouldn't come of quick enough it seemed though it must of been a minuet, before we were back in each others arms with our tongues invading the others mouth. She tasted so good to me, sweet and fruity yet I never sore her use and lip balm or anything to make her taste that way. I craved the way she knew everything that I liked and turned me on, from fisting my hair and sicking on my neck. To attacking my brest in her mouth and kissing the inside of my thighs. Everything she did to me turned me to goo that could be so easily molded, yet she never made any complaints about my inexperience and was always happy to coach me through anything I wished to try. Time was ticking so today would not be a teaching day but a day of pure primal fucking in the way we loved, with positions and toys. Id ordered a double ended dildo that turned up a few days ago but had yet to try it out, seem's now would be perfect to me. I left Faith on the bed while I walked to the built in wardrobe were I hid all out toys, Faith looked confused when I told her to close her eyes and hold out her hands. The grin that she had when I let her open to see the new addition said it all to me, she was happy and eager to try it out. Pulling me down to her and rolling me onto my back. 

''Suck it good for me baby girl, both ends and quick''  Doing as I was told sucking both ends till they were slick with my sliver, my heart was pounding so fast from the excitement. I made quick work of it then pulled her face to me so I could kiss her again, both hands meshed into her hair and pulling her closer. My legs were already open and ready when I felt her moving them wider to give room, then the feel of the toy slowly pushing into my still tight pussy. I wanted to watch it going in and out of us, but she had the idea of fucking me with it for a bit. Her lips leaving my mouth and covering my hard as rock clit that was in need of some attention, electrical sparks travelled around my whole nervous system causing me to cry out. I couldn't last much longer if she kept this up, it was time for her to feel the same. It was glorious watching Faith insert the toy in her and slowly sliding down till out pusses were touching and rubbing each other. It was like the gods had opened up the skies to us with the amount of pleasure that was coursing through me now. I never wanted it to stop and by the sound of it Faith felt the same, we were rocking together and each time we thrusted up and down it was all the day to the helm. In like a sissore position for the best rubbing of out clits, not sure how much longer we could hold on for. In the end if was me that came first and the loudest, Faith followed me over the edge till we were laying on my bed panting. Faith slowly removed the toy and put it on the floor her side of the bed so it wouldn't be seen untill it was washed and put away, then we just layed there in each others arms for how long I still didn't know.  

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