No more in the dark

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Rose pov.

Training was going great with Mr Fox, or Jason as he kept reminding me to call him. He was so easy to get along with and have a laugh, but at the same time when needed he would put his foot down to get the results he wanted. I still managed to have girl time with Hayley in the locker room as well and we made a point of meeting up at least once every two weeks plus text and calls almost daily. Faith had told us all about her talk with Andy and how he was letting her back to work but asked if we could keep our relationship secret for a month, which we had already talked about and how we would play it out at the centre. Start flirting with each other like it was a first and no one could say id done it to get on the team. The subject of Faith living with us was also brought up and my parents agreed with her that she should move back into her place, I really wasn't happy with this at all. 

''Rose please listen to me hunny, I don't want to go back to my place just as much as you but I have to. Your parents have been so good to me and letting me stay this long but if were going to finally come out of hiding about us I need to do this'' I couldn't bear waking up in the morning and not having her laying next to me, being in her arms felt so right to me. I am being selfish I know but honestly didn't want her to go. Our house was plenty big enough and the money we could all save being here instead of her place made sense to me. Faith was putting the last of her bits in her bag to take back home, tears were forming in my eyes that I really didn't want her to see so I left our room (look im so use to calling it our room) and headed to the living room were dad was talking on the phone and mum reading something I couldn't work out. 

''What's going on mum, who is dad talking to?''

''Its the police hun, there calling about Faith's case. I don't know anymore yet as hes still talking but he will be off soon'' Faith came down soon after and put her bag by the front door then over to me to try and talk but I silenced her just as dad ended the call. Just by the look on his face you could see he was carrying the weight of the world. All I wanted to do was give him a hug to try and comfort him but mum got there first. He asked us all to sit while he explained that the witch had been caught and arrested, which brought smiles to my mum and my face but Faith and dad were still not happy.

''Dad whats wrong? they got her, does this mean she will now go to prison and all of this will be over?''

''Not quite hun, she had denied a lot of what happened and unfortunately it also means it will all be dragged through the court hearing. Meaning Faith will have to describe everything all over again and relive it all. I am sorry Faith I did try and find out if there was another way but it's the only way they are confident she will be charged for.'' Of course I want her to pay for what she did to my girlfriend but at the cost of this I wasn't happy about and from her reaction I don't think Faith was eather. We all just sat there in silence for a bit, not knowing what to say until Faith was the one to speak up.

''Well if that is the case then Rose im asking you not to come to the hearing please, I know you want to be there for me but there are things that are going to be said and brought up. Id rather you not hear.... do you understand?'' She didn't want me there, what could of happened so bad that she didn't want me to know about? It didn't make sense to me at all. I was about to say no when mum spoke, saying something about I needed to know what the doctor had said. What was going on? did something happen when I was out the room and they had kept me in the dark for all this time. I couldn't take it anymore demanding to know what was going on and now.

''Rose I do need to tell you something but I want you to please promise me you will not come to the hearing? I can't bear for you to hear it all and have you think different of me. please princess?'' Her eyes had so much hurt and pain behind them that I just felt like crying for her and everything that had happened to her, not wanting to upset Faith any more I agreed as long as one of my parents was there instead to support her which they all agreed to. 

''Do you remember Adam had called you while you were visiting me and you left the room to take the call? That's when the doctor came in about my condition, and that I could go home as soon as I had someone to stay with. What you didn't hear was that Emma had caused a lot of damage to my womb and server scaring inside. It means i'm not able to ever have children, carry or use my eggs. It also means things like sex may always be painful for me, but only time and healing will tell. Im sorry I hadn't told you sooner, to be honest i'm embarrassed and ashamed by it all. Can you now understand why I don't want you at the hearing? I'm expected to go into detail about it all and I don't want you to hear it and have to live with the image in your mind. This is another reason why I need to go back home, I'm going to want my own space after those days. The last thing I want is to snap at you as your to important to me.'' How could all this of happened to a beautiful person like Faith, I was crying now but they were tears for all she had gone through. To think I had the cheek to be angry with her for what she had done, when in reality she was living in hell and going through it all without the hard time I was giving her. Yet she was sat here next to me and being so brave, wanting to comfort me when I should be the one there for her. I didn't care that my parents were still in the room, I needed to show her no matter what came up I would be there for her. Straddling her thighs to face her, Holding her face in my hands and feeling hers resting on my hips. I lent in and kissed her with all the love and passion I was capable with, I wouldn't go any further as I know she still isn't comfortable showing any form of PDA in front of my parents. We just stayed there holding each other until we spotted the time, it was getting late and Faith had to go home still. Mum managed to convince her to stay for one more night and have dinner, then in the morning we would all go over to her place and help get her moved back in. Thankfully she agreed as tonight I felt she would need me to help get her to sleep after everything. 

Dinner went ok, not much was said and we agreed to go bed early, I made a point to pick up Faiths bag from the front door on our way up and held her hand all the way to our room. Once inside we got ready for bed which kind of became our little routen, using the bathroom while getting changed ect. I got in the bed first and layed in the middle to warm it up while waiting for Faith to join, moving when she walks over give her room. Once under the covers I pull her into me and position her in a way so instead of her spooning me like normal, I had her head resting on my chest with her hand on my tummy and had my arm wrapped round her, playing with her hair and my other hand stroking up and down her arm. Normally Faith would hold me like this when we had just had sex or if she knew I needed holding for comfort so in a way it was my way of saying I was here for her and wished to do the same for her. I was a wake for a while not able to stop thinking about all the bad stuff that had happened to my women, yet I could hear that she was sound asleep. I gave her a kiss to the top of her head then made myself get some sleep, as tomorrow was going to be a hard day with her going back to that place with all the memories.      

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