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It was the first day of Faiths court hearings, yet all I could do was stay home or train to stop me going mad. I had asked once more if I could go with her but just from the look on all there faces I knew my answer. Hayley bless her made a point of telling me we would be chilling out with after training on those days, with the odd visit from Leo (who I was really getting to like the more we hung out). Faith had been sleeping at her place but made a point today of coming over this morning, dressed in a black slacks and a white fitted shirt. Her hair was in a high pony with a little makeup on, nothing to bold but enough to look like she had made an effort. Mum had gone mad as she was wearing her biker boots as she didn't have any other footwear that went with her outfit, luckley they both have the same size feet so mum lent her a black pair of heels which made Faith a good 2 inches taller than me (out of the shoes she was only slightly taller than me, but not enough for me to have to go on tiptoe for a kiss). She was almost irresistible to me and I just wanted to take her to my room and have my way with her, so instead I just whispered in her ear all I wanted to do and how good she looked to me. It helped bring a smile to her face untill it was time to go. Both mum and dad were going with today but they would be dropping me off first as I still needed to go training. Out of habit I still made a point of giving her a kiss before we pulled up, Hayley and Leo were waiting out front as they both wanted to wish the all luck for the day as I got out. Id gone on all last night that I wanted to be kept up to date with text and calls that I reminded them again this morning. 

''So how does she seem to you? will she get through it ok or...''

''I don't know Hayley, she seemed carm to me. Even when mum went mad about her footwear, I just hope it dont drag out to long. I so wanted to be there for her, but when she told me very vaguely about some of what will be said and how she didn't want me to hear it I didn't have the heart to argue with her. She can never have children because of what that witch did to her.''

''But won't she be there as well? Faith is going to have to sit in that room and look at her the whole time. It's so unfair, is there no way they could go ahead without Faith being there?''

''Stronger case if Faith is there and can go through everything, in a way im glad im not there as I would want to kill her and i'd end up making it all worse. I think coach Andy is also going since he was the one to find Faith'' We finished putting out bits in the lockers and went out to pool side, my coach was the only one not standing with the others but instead he was over the other side, looking like he had just got out the pool himself. So I made my way over to him and put my towel and bottle on the side while tieing my hair back. 

''Morning Rose, i'v been informed by Andy that you may be out of focus today. Something about your old coach having to go to court, is she Andy's niece?''

''Yer she is and it's true her case starts today, but I will be training as hard as normal. there is no point me worrying as it won't help, shall we start?''

''Good work ethos, I like it. But what I don't understand is why you would be upset by it? were you close or something?''

''Yer we are close, when I started here she helped me feel comfortable and she is just amazing, happy to go that extra mile for any of her students.'' Not sure if I had said to much with the way Jason was looking at me but the truth would come out soon, even if it just looked like I had a crush on her it was a start. Thankfully he didn't ask much more and just let me get on with training, it did help me to not think about anything untill I was out the pool and walking back to my locker. I couldn't seem to get to it quick enough but when I did and managed to find my phone there had been no calls or text so they must still be in there. Hayley was already showered and dressed waiting for me, skipping the shower today as I could have one when I got home. Got dressed and we waited in reception for Leo ( he had drove in this morning with Hayley so I would be getting a lift back with them). We were all hungry after training and I didn't really want to cook so we grabbed a pizza out the freezer and put that in, Hayley found some left over salad in the fridge when getting the bottles of water and Leo helped me serve and set out the table. 

It was late when my parents and Faith finally came home, Hayley and Leo left a few hours before hand. I must of been asleep as I found the note and that they had cleaned up as well, I had a blanket over me that I knew I didn't put there but I had felt better for falling asleep. I followed them to the kitchen where mum was getting wine glasses and dad was grabbing a beer out the fridge with mums wine. The look on all there faces read loud and clear that the day hadn't gone the way they were expecting. I offered to make some food but they all said they were not hungry, so all I could think to do was sit next to Faith and hold her hand. But at my touch she flinched away like I had burned her untill she realised it was me, mumberling sorry and kissing me on my head before holding my hand again. So desperate to know what had gone on but tonight wasn't the time to ask, maybe tomorrow after training since Faith didn't need to go every day. Only the days when she would need to give evidence and of cause the day the verdict was reached, thought she was still adamant she would be going to work the days she could. I wasn't so happy about it but I knew she needed to keep occupied like me and it was something she loved doing (plus I could keep an eye on her while training). I did manage to get her to agree to stay the night as she was drinking, I was still sleepy and needed that shower giving me a good reason to head up. It was going to take a while for all of them to unwind from the days advents, kissing them all night I striped off and walked in my shower and had the water just right, it felt so good under the jets. I don't see how a shower wakes a person up as it makes me sleepy, scrubbing of the days dirt and washing my hair didn't take to long. I heard my bedroom door closed so Faith must of come up already, next thing I knew she was getting in the shower with me. Nothing was said between us but in seconds I was backed up to the wall, her mouth on mine asking with her tongue to open which I gladly did. It had been so long since we were last interment, feeling like a lifetime that our hands were all over each other. Faith's mouth leaving mine to be replaced with my nipple, sucking me in deep with her other hand cupping my other breast. It felt so good that I was moaning quite loud and Faith had to silence me with her mouth again. 

''Rose I need you now but you need to be quiet, come with me'' she turned the shower off and walked me with a towel out to my bed, Laying it on top of my bed then laying me down next. We were completely naked, Faith on top with one hand in my hair and pulling me in for another kiss and mine playing with her amazing tits. Wasn't till she started stroking my folds had I realised she was using a small toy that vibrated on my clit with every stroke, It was torcher but at the same time I wanted more. I did try a few times to return the pleasure but was stopped each time, looked like tonight was all about me. Feeling guilty but when her tongue worked on me down there and she was going to town there wasn't much to think about, Except the amazing orgasum she always managed to give me over and over again untill I almost passed out from them. Once she had finished having her way with me we got rid of the towle and got under the covers, snuggled up in eachothers arms. 

''Thank you Faith, that was as always amazing. But why did you stop me trying to give you some pleasure? Don't you like how I do it?''

''Of course that's not the case, unfortunately it's going to take a long time for me to heal. To a point at least where i'm comfortable to let anyone touch me without feeling pain. Be patient with me Rose, I will get there and when that day comes you will be the first to know my love. Now its time to sleep.''

''Ok oh I forgot to say.. Please don't be mad but my coach was asking questions and I may of let it sound like I have a crush on you. Are you upset..''

''Why would I be upset with you, we have talked about this and that we would start showing our feelings. It just helps and tomorrow I think you should make a point of coming over to make sure im ok. Im fed up of this hiding, the sooner I get to show the world your mine the better, love you and good night''  

In love with coach (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now