First day part 2

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' Hayley I know for a fact you have not finished your set so stop talking and get on with it.'' Faith had shouted and it made me jump, I didn't think a voice like that could come out of her as she looked so nice and gentle. Of course Hayley started swimming again so not to get into more trouble.

'' Rose I was just speaking to coach Andy and we both think you have a lot of potential. Would you be prepared to come in earlier and train with me? It would be on a more one to one basis. I can give you a few weeks to think about it as you are still new here and getting use to it still.'' Just then I noticed something in her eyes, i wasn't sure what it was but they just mesmerised me. I'm stupid I know but for some reason this woman just gets to me in a way i've never felt before. Faith sent me off with a six length cool down then I was told to hit the showers. After I showered and washed all the chlorine out of my hair, I wrapped the towel around me and grabbed my stuff. Opening the door I was startled to find someone standing the other side, it was the girl I sore diving this morning. She just stared at me in discussed for some reason.

''So you must be the new girl all the coaches are talking about, the star of us all. Well I have been the top swimmer here for the last five years and no one is going to take that away from me, so don't get any ideas''  Just then she pushed me out of the shower and closed the door behind me. Man what was her problem, must be her time of the month. I continued to get dressed and made my way out to the car park. Mum had texted me to say she was running late so I just stood outside and waited.

''Hey Rose why are you standing out here?''  It was Hayley walking towards me with wet hair, she had changed into short shorts and a cute little top that had a pitcher of someone's face on the front.

''My mum is running last today so i'm just waiting for her''

''Oh ok i'll wait with you until she gets here, if that ok? It was nice to have someone to talk to at this club, I got on with the girls at my old club but I wouldn't really count them as friends. Hayley seemed nice and was easy to talk with. As we waited we exchanged numbers and just chatted about anything really, music, school and how I was homeschooled. Which she was amazed with. Finally mum arrived and we said our goodbyes.

In the car ride home mum was telling me she had a call from coach Andy and all the news about me, which of course I already knew as Faith had told me. She then was asking how i felt and who I was talking to while waiting, I love my mu but she does like to talk a lot were as I take after my dad and don't really say much. As we pulled up to our home I decided to bring up the subject of me wanting to learn to drive.

''Mum you know that you asked this morning what I would like for my birthday, well I was thinking could I learn how to drive? It would save you and dad having to always drive me and pick me up from training all the time?'' I held my breath as I waited for a reply. My parents didn't often say no to me but I knew this was a big step for them, especially mum since she had always taken everywhere and in her own way she liked to but I knew it got in the way of her work a lot.

''I will talk to your dad about it Rose and we will see what we can do for you, ok hun?'' I nod to show I had acknowledged her words. It wasn't a yes or no so that must be a good start. I made my way up to my room and my phone buzzed, looking at it I had a text from Hayley.

Hey Rose just checking I have the right number, speak to you later x

It made me laugh of course she had the right number but it was nice to get the text so I replied.

Yes you got the right one, see you at training tomorrow

Just as I sent her the message I had another one come through, that girl can text fast but when I looked it wasn't from her. It was a number I didn't know.

Hi rose its coach faith, sorry to text you but I heard you had a bit of a run in with another girl after training and I just wanted to make sure you are ok?

Wow how did she know about the other girl? That was odd but I thought it was nice that she wanted to check on me, so I sent a quick reply.

Thank you Faith i'm fine really though, just a misunderstanding.

As soon as i sent the text Faith had replied agen

Ok then, i'm here if you have any questions or problems

After that i put my phone on the side and change, as it was my first week I wasn't required to go to the afternoon training. So I just layed on my bed and listened to music, thinking about everything that had happened the last few days and of the old times.


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