Birthday Crash

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Things had been going good for the last few weeks, I was training with no interruptions from Jessica agen. Hayley and I met up a few times to chill out together, shopping and movies ect. I was finding out a lot more about her like she had a older brother, who looked after her as bother her mum and dad were in the army. Tutoring with Adam was going good as well, all my essays were marked and given high grades. He even tested me a few times just because he couldn't believe I was that smart. We were getting along really well, once a week we would only work half the time and the rest we crashed in front of the tv watching whatever movie was on while eating junk food and having a laugh with each other. I still had a niggling feeling about him but it was subsiding the more I got use to him.

It was my birthday today but as always I wasn't excited about it as I saw no point having a party as I never had enough friends to invite, sad really but it's what i'm use to. I got ready and headed down for breakfast, mum was already waiting in the kitchen for me.

''Happy Birthday darling, how are you today?'' Mum had a really big smile on her face which made me worry a little about what she was up to.

'I'm ok mum, ready for today?''

''Well I have a present for you, unfortunately your dad had to go to work early but he wanted me to tell you anyway. As you have passed your test, it means you can now drive. look'' Mum handed me a letter and inside was my pink driving licence. Wow how amazing, I now get to drive.

''Were going out at the weekend to get you a car hun, as we haven't had the time yet. Come on or you will be late'' I must of skipped to the car from excitement as I got there before mum. Training was the same as always but at least Hayley had remembered what today was, she even got me a card and gift bless her. I was grateful for Hayley, she is someone I would call a friend. Random text and calls just to talk even if it's about nothing. Just then Faith stopped me in the middle of a set and asked me to climb out.

''Rose can you come with me please?'' Faith looked sad and not her normal self at all, I followed her to the changing rooms and got dressed quickly as she asked then we walked to coach Andy's office. Andy was standing at the window looking down to the pool when we entered, he asked me to sit down. I was starting to get worried now, wondering if I had done something wrong.

''Rose i've got some bad news for you, your mum just called.....I don't know how to say this but your dad was in a car accident, he's in hospital and your mum is there with him...'' I didn't hear anything else that was said after this, all I could think about was my dad and how I was going to get to the hospital to see him. I needed to see him. Things were racing through my mind, how badly was he hurt, is he ok now, will he make a full recovery. Just then I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and looked to see it was Faith, she was looking at me and handed a tissue for the tears I hadn't realized were running down my face.

''Rose did you hear me hun? I said i'll drive you to the hospital if you want to go and see your dad'' I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head and stood to leave, praying my dad was going to be ok. Why was he driving, he should of been at work? We got in Faiths car and she drove towards the hospital, I wasn't even paying attention to anything. Faith was trying to talk to me but I couldn't hear her, I was just focused on getting to my dad. Faith had parked up and we heading into the hospital and found mum sitting on a bench seat, I ran to her and through my arms around mum and holding tight.

''Hey darling it's ok now hush hush, dad won't want you to cry over him.''  We sat down and mum explained what happened to my dad and why he was driving instead of at work, as I thought he was coming home early for my birthday so we could have a family meal. I feel like this is all my fault, that he would of been fine if it wasn't for me. I hadn't even noticed that Faith was still here, sitting next to me and holding my hand in support. I could smell her perfume, feel her amazingly soft hands against mine. A doctor was walking out of the room mum had pointed out to me that dad was in, he made his way over to where we were sitting.

''Are you the next of kin?''

''Yes i'm his wife and this is his daughter, you can say what you need to in front of us all''

''Er ok well your husband has got a severe concussion, few cracked ribs and a broken leg. He will make a full recovery with plenty of rest and TLC''

''Thank you doctor, can we go and see him now?''  The doctor showed mum and me to his room, there was only a small lite on by dads bed. The monitors were making a beeping noise every so often and he had drips going into the backs of his hands. Dad was awake and looking straight at mum, they hugged and kissed with the odd words of love to each other. I was frozen at the doorway just staring at the man I knew and loved laying in the bed. Dad looked over and called me to his side, I gave him the biggest hug I could without hurting dad at the same time. We were talking for a little while then mum popped out to get a drink.

''Rose i'm sorry this happened today as it's your birthday, I was just trying to get home early to surprise you and go for a meal. Instead i'm stuck in here for a few days, don't worry I will be out by the weekend and we can still go car shopping for you ....''

''Dad stop it please, I don't care about a car right now, i'm just glad knowing you're alive and safe. You getting better is good enuff for me. I love you dad''  I didn't notice the tear escaping down my face till dad wiped it away, pulling me in for a kiss on the cheek. Mum had walked back in with Faith, had she still been sitting outside all this time?

''Rose it's getting late hun, you should really go home and get some rest. I'm gonna stay here tonight with dad, Faith has offered to drive you home. You have training early tomorrow and Adam is also coming as I told him you couldn't study tonight''  I gave dad one last hug and kiss along with mum then walked out the room following Faith back to her car, it didn't really surprise me that she still remembered my address as she parked on our driveway. We got out and I opened the front door, Faith followed me in making her way to the kitching. I just slumped down on the kitchen stool and looked at her standing in front of me.

''Rose are you hungry? I can make you something or would you like a drink instead?'' food wasn't something I really wanted at all so I decided to make my way to the living room instead and flopped myself on our sofa. 

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