7 Minutes ~Naruto Uzumaki x Reader~

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You were at a boring party at Sakura. "This party is kinda boring, Saku-chan~", you complained, "I don't know why you begged me to come here...". Sakura pouted, "Tell me what to do, (Y/N)-chan! Help me!", Sakura clinged onto your arm. You rubbed your chin and thought of an exciting game your old friends in your old village taught. "Everyone sit in a circle!", you called out. Everyone followed your directions and sat in a circle. You found an old piece of paper and passed it to every girl so they can write their name on it. You ripped the names into small slips of paper and put them into a hat.

You gave it to Sasuke, who had a scowl on his face like always. "Pick one!", you smiled, holding out the hat to him. He hesitated to put his hand in and chose one, "I got Sakura.", he muttered. You squealed and grabbed Sakura's arm, along with Sasuke. You stuffed them into the closet and told them, "You have 7 minutes to make out~" "Eh?!" "(Y/N)! Let us out of here!"

You giggled as you saw everyone's red face as soon as you walked back to the circle. "Ne, (Y/N). Where did you learn how to play this game?", Chouji asked you. "My friends from my previous village.", you smiled sweetly. The 7 minutes were up and you let Sakura and Sasuke out. They both had messy hair and pink tinted across their cheeks. I sent Sakura a wink and she blushed even more. "Here, Naru-kun! Your turn to choose.", you held out the hat in front of yourself. Naruto reached into the hat and shuffled the pieces of paper around. Finally, he picked the piece of paper and read it. His face turned red and he averted his gaze from me. "Who'd you get?", I snatched the piece of paper out of his hand. I saw my name in my not-so-decent handwriting. My eyes widened and my heart rate sped up. "It's just a game, Naru-kun. C-come on.", you cursed at yourself for stuttering. 

You dragged Naruto to the closet and Sakura locked you both in. "You don't have to do anyth-mmph!", you were interrupted by a pair of warm lips on yours. You eventually melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around Naruto's neck. You bit down on his lower lip, signalling that you needed to breathe. He pulled away. You could feel his minty breath on your lips. "You honestly don't know...how long I've been waiting to do that to you...", he said between pants. "Well, I'm glad you did.", you panted back. "Time's up!", Sakura yelled from the outside. She opened the closet door. The light blinded you and you slowly got out. 

You walked back to the circle, Sakura ahead of you and Naruto behind you. You suddenly felt a pinch on your bum. You gasped and looked behind you. Naruto smirked at you and whispered into your ear, "Let's leave. It's boring. We'll have more fun at my house...."

(A/N): Hello! I hope you enjoyed this, it's kinda boring and I'm very sorry if there's any mistakes if you don't like it! -jazmyncchi

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