Izumo Kamizuki x Reader (LEMON)

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WARNING: This chapter contains explicit content. If you are uncomfortable with these types of stories, then please proceed to the next chapter.

Word count: 627

Requested by: Raphael_Lover_101



Sighing with great relief, I said goodbye to Kotetsu, and finally made my way home after a long day.

Rubbing the fatigue out of my eyes, I unlocked the front door to my house and walked in. "I'm home...", I mumbled, not thinking that anyone would be awake to hear.


You smirked when you finally heard the front door open. You bit down on your bottom lip as you heard Izumo's footsteps trudge up the stairs, squirming in excitement under the thick covers.

"(Y/N)-san?~", he called out, popping only his head into the room.

You covered the bottom half of your face with the covers and gave him a slight eye smile. He returned the smile and changed into his sleepwear. He looked at the clock on the bedside table and smirked before sliding under the covers and hugging you.

"It's midnight. You know what that means, don't you?", he said cheekily and

You chuckled quietly, "Of course!~"

You straddled Izumo's waist and leaned closer to his ear as his hands made his way to your hips.

"Happy birthday, Izumo-kun~", you whispered lightly.

You kissed the space between his shoulder and neck, leaving small love bites every now and then. You heard Izumo's breath get heavier and heavier, so you decided to speed things up a bit.

You peeled the covers off your bodies. You saw the tent in Izumo's pants and smirked, palming it gently with your hand. Izumo's body tensed and his breath hitched.

You teasingly pulled off his pants and boxers, his member sprang up. Izumo let out a deep breath, feeling much more comfortable now that his member wasn't constricted anymore.

You wiped the precum off the tip and tasted it, savoring the salty flavor while letting out a small hum of satisfaction.

"(Y/N)-san, please...", Izumo begged softly. You took the hint and started working you magic on his member.

Izumo groaned as his fingers became tangled into your hair. However, you stopped as soon as he said he was close.

"Why?~~~~", Izumo whined. You smirked, "Trust me, you'll find this better.", you finally took off your pants and straddled Izumo again.

You rubbed your slick womahood against his stiff member, earning a moan from the both of you. After teasing for a few minutes, you finally let Izumo enter your folds.

You gasped as he flipped the two of you over, so that he was on top. He began thrusting violently, the tip of his member brushing against you g-spot with wach thrust. You vision became blurry and it seemed like everything was moving in slow motion.

Izumo kissed the middle of your throat, leaving a large, purple love bite and continued to do so to other places on your neck and chest. Izumo kissed you passionately on the lips as he fucked you roughly. "Izumo!~", you moaned loudly.

Izumo growled in satisfaction, "Louder..."




Your vision turned white as you felt a warm substance drip out your womanhood. Izumo collapsed on top of you, your sweaty bodies stuck together.

Panting, you got Izumo off with a small shove, cuddling into his chest.

He was already asleep, but you smiled anyways.

"Happy birthday, Izumo..."

(A/N): Instense. I started writing this at like 4 am last night then I fell asleep and decided to finish it as I was taking a break from cleaning my room. This was requested by @Raphael_Lover_101
I hope you enjoyed it~~~ Sorry its a bit late, spring break so far has been JAM PACKED WHOOOOOOOO!

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