Sasori x Reader

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The wind caressed your face as you jumped branch to branch, your legs leading you to wherever. You and your boyfriend, Sasori, just had an argument.

Things were said and hearts were broken. Well, only yours was.

It all started when you complained to Konan about Sasori's lack of affection...


"He just...never shows me that he actually loves me. You know, after 13 years of friendship and 3 years of being in a relationship with each other, you would think he would know this...", you complained to Konan. Her eyes widened at the towering figure behind you. She stood up from her seat, "I'll leave you two alone...", she mumbled quietly, then hastily scurried out the room. "What is the meaning of this, (Y/N)?", Sasori questioned you. You huffed and drew patterns onto the table with your finger, "It's girl talk, Sasori. Nothing you should be concerned about", you got up from your seat and tried to leave, but Sasori latched onto your wrist with a tight grip, making it difficult to leave. "Nothing to be concerned about? Were you complaining about me not giving enough affection? (Y/N)...", he went quiet and his grip on your wrist tightened. You winced in pain, but Sasori didn't seem to care.

"You're so stupid!", he suddenly exclaimed.

You finally managed to get him to loosen his grip on your wrist, which was already bruising. "Well, I'm sorry that I expected anything out of this relationship...", you muttered angrily, walking away.

"I am not human. I never was. So why are you expecting me to act and behave like one?", he asked. You froze in your tracks, blood boiling. Your fists were clenched and you stormed out, leaving the hideout.


Now, you're in the middle of the woods, clueless as to which way you came from. You sighed and leaned against a boulder. You slid down, the memory of the fight still in your mind. "Don't cry...Crying means you're weak...", you told yourself. You took a deep breath, feeling something wet fall down your cheek. You gingerly touched your eyes, feeling the wetness from the tears. "No!", you yelled. You got up and punched the boulder behind you. Cracks began to form around the rock, eventually falling apart.

You stood there in the dark. Tears were running down your face, snot peeked from your nose, and blood dripped from your hand.

You collapsed onto your back, sighing. The sound of the wind and night creatures in the woods soothed you slightly, but you heard a twig snap.

Getting a kunai out of your pouch, you got into a fighting stance and went on high alert, looking all around you. A kunai came flying at you, you easily dodged, but a couple hands grabbed you by the ankles, pulling you down under the ground.

You squirmed around, trying to get out, but you couldn't. Annoyed, you blew a strand out of your face and looked at the enemy that stood in front of you. Your eyes widened as you realized who it was.

"(Y/L/N) (Y/N)...Rogue ninja...Born and raised in Sunagakure...", your sibling smirked.

"(Sibling's name)...", you whispered, shocked to see how much they've grown since the last time you saw them. Another figure emerged from the trees, "We're here to take you to the Kazekage...", (Other Sibling's name) said. Your mouth was agape as you saw your two younger/older siblings. They looked so different. "I haven't seen you guys in 7 years...", you whimpered.

"Don't pull that emotional bullshit on us!", (Sibling's name) snapped. You averted your gaze guiltily.

"(Other Sibling's name), get her out the ground and keep her still. I'll tie her and we'll teleport back to the village.", (Sibling's name) ordered. You gave a sad smile, "You two improved a lot...",

(Other Sibling's name) got your body out the ground and held onto your arms tightly. (Sibling's name) was about to tie a rope around your wrists, but noticed the bruises. "Did he...", referring to Sasori. You nodded.

(Sibling's name) sighed and proceeded to tie the rope around your wrists. "How did you guys find me?", you asked. "We heard you scream...", (Other Sibling's name) said. "We were in the area, then I heard you scream. I knew it sounded familiar, but I haven't heard it in so long, I wasn't sure. So we decided to check it out"

You stared at the ground and remained silent until it was time to go. "We're ready, let's go...", (Sibling's name) commanded.

All three of you teleported from the forest to Sunagakure, with Sasori worriedly watching from the trees...

(A/N): Will Sasori come and save you? Or will he let you die in the hands of your own siblings? FIND OUT IN PART 2!~ ~jazmynecchi

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