Uchiha Madara x Reader

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As your significant other, Madara, of course, always wanted you safe.

Therefore, he forced you to allow him to become your trainer.

Along with a couple other people, Madara intensely trained you all. It wasn't easy...well, there was an exception for you.

Madara was always strict with the other students, always criticizing them and constantly had a stoic expression on his face.

However, with you, he still had that monotone voice and stern facial expression, his tone was more gentle and soothing, and your training always seemed to satisfy him all the time.

Hashirama, who noticed the way Madara treated you and the other students, confronted Madara about in, claiming that he was favoring you and he should treat you the way he does the others. 

You agreed. All the other students envied you, always getting small praises from Madara time to time. 

"Madara-san, Hashirama-san is right. It's not fair that you're treating me more nicely that the others because of our relationship", you told him, laying your body next to his and pulling the blanket over yourself. 

Madara let out a sigh, "Alright. Starting from tomorrow, I will be treating you like how I treat the other students", he declared, looking you straight in the eye.

You nodded and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, you and Madara got up and got ready to go train in the forests. When you both arrived, the students were already lined up, ready to begin the immense training for the day. 

Madara began going down the line, listing off what each person needed to work on. When he finally got to you, he pursed his lips and stopped himself. 

"(Y/N)-san, you need to work on your agility", he said. You widened your eyes, "Agility? That's my specialty, why would I need to work on it?", you questioned, clearly confused. Madara glared at you, "Do not question me. Now, begin your training!", he yelled.

You puffed your cheeks in frustration and began stretching to perform agility exercises. You worked vigorously, to the point of exhaustion.

"Line up!", Madara yelled. You and the other students lined up in front of Madara. He began to list off what he thought of your training performance today.

"(Y/N)-san. You were lacking today. Do better tomorrow, or there will be consequences", he said firmly.

*Madara's POV*

"(Y/N)-san. You were lacking today. Do better tomorrow, or there will be consequences"

That was a lie. 

I felt this weird emotion when I saw (Y/N). She looked so exhausted and drained like she had just fought off an entire army. I felt...guilty.

"Dismissed", I muttered. "HAI!", all the students yelled, except for (Y/N). The students jumped, scattering in different directions. As soon as they left, (Y/N) collapsed to the ground.

Immediately, I carried her up into my arms. "Her chakra level is low", I tsked, feeling even more guilty.

*Your POV*

I woke up in bed with a cold, damp towel perched upon my forehead. Confused,  I got up and walked around the house, looking for Madara. I eventually found him in the kitchen, in front of the stove, boiling something in a pot. 

"Go lay down, (Y/N)", Madara said, sighing. "What happened?", you questioned. "I was stern to you during training today and you overworked yourself", he explained briefly. 

You averted your gaze in guilt.

"I'm never going to be stern with you ever again if this is the cause of it...I'd rather baby you", he admitted, turning the stove off. 

"Go wash up, I'll cool down the food", Madara said, pouring the food into a large bowl.

"Oooooor...We can leave the food until later and cuddle in the bath?", you suggested with a shy smile.

Madara sighed a bit, but hinted a small smile, "Sure, I can use a bath cuddle..."

(A/N): Madara is vvvvv OOC so I'm really sorry about that, but this is how I imagine the scenario TsunadeTheFifth requested which is basically Madara is strict with others, but when it comes to being strict to you, he can't resist being nice :> TsunadeTheFifth, sorry it's late and short, but I hope you enjoyed :) ~jazmynecchi

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