Uchiha Itachi x Reader

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A group of 8 men and 1 woman stood before you, all dressed in the same robes. They all started at you with such intensity, it almost intimidated you. Despite that, you kept an unbothered expression.

"(Y/N), you will be placed in the same room as Itachi, and he will be your training partner.", a tall, orange hair man with several piercings said, "Konan will show you around while Kisame and Itachi tidy up your side of the room."

Konan, the lady with bright orange and a piercing below her bottom lip, walked passed you and disappeared into the darkness of the long hallway. Quickly following, you caught up behind her and took in all your surroundings, every thing was dull and gray.

"Just to let you know, Itachi isn't the best person to get along with. And the fact that you come from Konoha isn't helping your case much...", she said.

"He's well known back in Konoha...I've heard the stories...", you replied, touching the dust covered walls.

The tour around the base ended without another word and she led you to the room you were assigned. A medium sized bed was in the left corner of the room, and a dresser at the foot of it. Inside were several outfits. As you explored the room, Itachi walked in.

"Don't touch my things, understand?", he hissed. You nodded with no hesitation and sat down on the bed. Kisame poked his head through the door, "Training time."

What Konan told you earlier lingered, and because of the stories you've heard of Itachi, you were afraid of getting killed, but you still managed to put up a fight.

Itachi glared at you from across the training field, a glint of hatred in his eyes. You gulped and dashed towards him. You landed a punch, but he turned into a bunch of crows, "A clone?!". Itachi smirked and  got you right where he wanted you. You fell right into his trap.


The black flames engulfed your legs. You screeched in pain, feeling all the skin slowly peel away. You collapsed to the ground, "Itachi!", Kisame yelled.

Itachi calmly put out the flames and continue to watch you scream out in pain. "Itachi, it was just training! Are you trying to kill her?!", Deidara helped you up by putting on of your arms around his shoulder. Itachi had no emotion on his face. He turned and walked away.

"Tch...", Deidara scoffed, "Let's get you to Kakuzu...ung...", Deidara said.


I walked into my room to find (Y/N) sitting at the edge of her bed. She sees me walk in and I sit next to her. She scoffs and tries to get up and walk away, but she immediately falls to the ground.

I bent down to help her up, despite her refusals. I sat her on the bed and took a seat next to her. "What do you want?", she asked quietly, looking down at her hands in her lap.

"I wanted to apologize."

"For what? Hating me just because I'm from Konoha? Almost killing me during training? If so, it's gonna take much more than an apology to get me to forgive y-"

I cut her off with a kiss, which turned a bit more heated than expected. I held her head with my right hand, pushing me closer to her. She jumped a bit as I began to poke my tongue at her closed lips.

She shyly opens her mouth and pokes her tongue too. This continues for a few more minutes before Hidan knocks obnoxiously on the door.

We pull away, startled and scoot away from each other. Hidan pokes his head, "Time  to change your bandages-Oi, oi! Were you two about to fuck!? Fuckin' hell, Itachi, at least give her a chance to heal before you pound her!

"HIDAN!", Kakuzu's booming voice is heard from the hallways. "Time to go!", Hidan slips out the room and runs away from Kakuzu.

Itachi looks back to you, your face extremely red and hair slightly messy. He chuckles and pulls you closer to him.

 "Will you forgive me now?"


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