Laying under the stars was your favorite activity on fall or winter nights. Just the silence in the woods surrounding always calmed your crazed personality.
But this night was different. The leaves were constantly rustling and shuffling of cloth can be heard within the branches of the trees. Not really caring, you remained quiet at watched the stars.
"Beautiful, aren't they?", a random voice said. Startled, you jolted up from your spot on the grass and turned your head towards the person.
In front of you stood a boy with tan skin and six arms. His hair was tied up and on his forehead, a sound forehead protector was proudly displayed. You continued to stare at his attractive face until he waved one of his arms in front of you.
You shook your head, snapping out of your trance. "Ah, sorry...", you slowly stood up and brushed your clothes off. You stuck out your hand, "I'm (Y/N)," you smiled.
The boy smirked slightly at you and shook your hand, "I'm Kidomaru-"
"Kidomaru! We're being tracked down! Let's leave!", a figure that seemed to have two heads emerged from the leaves, pulling Kidomaru along with him. As he was being dragged, he looked at you and pointed, "I'll be back for you! Just wait for me!"
~~2 Years Later~~
"I'll be back for you! Just wait for me!"
Those were the last words he said to you before being completely covered by the tall trees of the forest.
It was another night you waited in the same forest when you first met Kidomaru. Every time you looked at the stars, a warm feeling crept onto your hand, the same hand you offered Kidomaru when you first met, making you feel fuzzy inside.
You looked at your hand and caressed it, wanting to feel Kidomaru's. Being distracted by your thoughts, you failed to hear a figure sneaking up behind you.
"Hey, there, stranger...", a familiar, low voice said. Your eyes widened and you instinctively jerked your head to the source. His familiar onyx eyes bore into yours and his soft smile melted your heart.
You sprung up from the ground and tackled him into a hug. "I've been waiting for so long...", you whimpered into his neck.
The feeling of your breath on his neck made him feel a certain type of way. Pulling away from the hug, he stared into your (Eye color) eyes and gently placed his lips on yours. His hand ran up and down your waist, feeling every inch of your body.
You began to feel wary, this was only your second time meeting ever. "K-Kidomaru...", you whispered.
He continued what he was doing, but hummed in response.
"This is only o-our second t-time meeting...D-don't you t-think we should take it a bit m-more... s-slower?", you screwed your eyes shut, scared of what his reaction might be.
His reply to you was a small kiss on the forehead and a delicate caress on your cheek with his thumb.
"You're right...I'll wait. I'm sorry...", he pulled you into another long embrace and pulled you down to the ground.
"Let's watch the stars, sound good?"
You smiled and laid your head on his chest, watching the stars until he had to go...
(A/N): Omg Kidomaru is so difficult to write for, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway (even though it's suuuuper short :c)~ This was requested by NekoMakaykay. Hope you liked it! <3 ~jazmynecchi

Naruto x Reader Oneshots
FanfictionHello! I hope you enjoy these little scenarios with the Naruto characters! Requests are open until I say so :) ~jazmynecchi