You stood in front of the Hokage, next to Team 7, Sai, Naruto, Sakura, and their temporary leader, Yamato. "(Y/N), you will accompany Team 7 to Tenchi bridge to receive intel about Orochimaru, as Sasori said. Right, Sakura?", Lady Tsunade eyed her disciples, "Yes.", Sakura replied firmly.
"You all leave tonight, before the front gates close. Dismissed.", Lady Tsunade directed. You were the last one the leave the Hokage mansion.
If I have to go, then this must be a really risky mission, you thought.
You made your way to the hospital to visit your boyfriend, Kakashi, who was still recovering from his fight with Kakuzu.
"Kakashi-kun?", you slid the door open, peeking only your head in the room. "Ah, (Y/N)-chan, I was waiting for you.", Kakashi gave you a little smile behind his mask.
"Guess what? I'm going on a mission with Naruto-kun and Sakura-san.", you told him, taking a seat next to his bed. "Really? If you're going, then it must be really dangerous...Please, be careful...", Kakashi took you hand in his. You looked down at your lap, trying to hide your red face from Kakashi. "I will.", you finally told him.
"When do you leave?", he asked, stroking your hand with his thumb. You told him all the details of the mission, him telling you to be careful after every pause you took.
It was finally time to leave for the mission. Kakashi sat up in his bed and pulled down his mask to give you a kiss. You quickly kissed his lips and turned to the door. "Wait, that kiss won't do. Come back!", Kakashi chuckled, reaching his arm out for you. You giggled and turned back for him, giving him a much longer kiss than before. The kiss left Kakashi blushing, "Okay, that'll do.", he said hastily, pulling his mask back up. You laughed and bid a final goodbye and left for the front gate.
Tenchi bridge was not that far, if you were going the speed Naruto was going. You panted as you jumped through the trees. Eventually, you saw the bridge up ahead, "Stop here.", Yamato commanded in a low voice.
There was a figure at the end of the bridge. All of you hid behind some shrubbery nearby the bridge. "We will stay here and stay quiet, got it?", you asked the three teens. They all nodded and Yamato transformed into Sasori's body puppet, Hiruko. He then walked towards Kabuto...
Kabuto eventually noticed us and Yamato gave us the signal to come out. He saw Naruto and I first, "Ah, Naruto and the famous (Y/L/N)...It's been awhile, hasn't it?", I clenched my fist, trying to keep my anger in.
Out of nowhere, Orochimaru emerged from the forest. He began to talk about Sasuke. You can basically feel the anger radiating off of Naruto. An orange, fizzing substance engulfed Naruto, leaving him on all fours in front of Orochimaru.
Suddenly, they fought further into the forest, leaving the annihilated trees behind. You and Sakura followed the trail of broken trees and found a giant hole in the middle of nowhere, Orochimaru and Naruto, who had transformed into a fox-like creature, standing in the middle of it.
Sakura jumped into the hole, running towards Naruto. "Naruto! No!", she screeched. You gasped as you realized what she was attempting to do. Sprinting right after her, you blocked Naruto's punch, sending you flying backwards and into a broken tree. Your back hit the trunk. You hacked out blood, then everything faded to black.
Possibly hours later, you woke up to see the lazy, dark eyes of your boyfriend. You tried to sit up, but the pain was too excruciating. "No, (Y/N). Stay still. You're still hurt...", Kakashi looked at you with concerned eyes. "What even happened? I don't remember anything...", you croaked.
"Sakura said that she was running towards Naruto, who was in Kyuubi form, to stop him from fighting Orochimaru, but since he has no control over his conscious, he raised his fist to punch her. You noticed and ran in front of her to prevent that and you hit a trunk of a broken tree and got a concussion and a few broken bones.", Kakashi explained.
"I thought I told you to be careful...", Kakashi frowned a bit. "But look, I'm alive, aren't I?", you tried to lift the mood. Kakashi glared at you, which made you quiet down. "Once Naruto is out of the hospital, he's going to hear it from me...and maybe earn a few bruises.", he muttered.
"No, don't do that. As you said, he had no control over his conscious.", you scolded. Kakashi sighed and closed his eyes, "This is the exact reason I need you, to make me reevaluate my decisions...", he gently grabbed your small and brought it to his lips. You gave him a small smile.
"Can I at least hit him once?"
"Hatake Kakashi!"
(A/N): Kakashi's a bit OOC in this, not gonna lie. But this was a request from NerdyNinjaLife, a Kakashi x Reader fluff :)) I don't think this was very good, it was rushed and it's 3 AM. Anyway, I hope you at least enjoyed some of it xD ~jazmynecchi

Naruto x Reader Oneshots
FanfictionHello! I hope you enjoy these little scenarios with the Naruto characters! Requests are open until I say so :) ~jazmynecchi