Time Alone ~Sasuke Uchiha x Reader~

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You've known Sasuke your entire life, so when you heard that Naruto managed to get him to come back to the village, you cried tears. Tears of joy.

You waited at the front gate for all the ninjas who had survived the war and immediately made eye contact with Sasuke. He looked so different. He was taller, muscular, and his left eye turned into the Rinnegan...and his left arm was almost completely gone. 

Your vision clouded with tears as he walked closer and closer. He stopped right in front of you, "You've changed, Sasu-chan...", he let out a chuckle and pulled you close. "You too, (Y/N).", he said quietly. 

Suddenly, Naruto hit Sasuke's back with loads of force, causing Sasuke to lurch forward and kiss me. It took us a couple of seconds, but we pulled apart. Naruto snuck away and hid behind me. "Idiot...", he grumbled, and dragged you away by your hand.


You smiled as you remembered Sasuke's homecoming. You were on your way to the Hokage's office, summoned for a mission. 

"May I come in, Tsunade-sama?", you asked behind the shut door. You heard a strong, "Yes" and opened the door. Lady Tsunade was sat behind her desk and Sasuke was standing in front of it. "Sasu-chan?", you asked. "I have decided that you two will be going on this mission. It shouldn't be hard.", she said.

"Your mission is to deliver this scroll to the Raikage. It contains top secret information, so there would be ninja after it, be careful. Also, no romance until the mission is completed. I understand that you're a couple, so just a little warning. Dismissed.", Lady Tsunade explained with a smirk. You both left the mansion and headed to your place to begin packing things. "We can use just one bag, I don't think we would be on this mission long.", Sasuke said, walking in. "Yeah, I just need to find my bag.", you said. Sasuke looked at you confused, "Haven't you been using it frequently?", he asked. "Ah,", you scratched behind your neck, "ever since you left the village , I stopped doing missions...", you averted your gaze. Sasuke sighed, "Whatever, let's pack up and go."

~~2 Days later~~

You and Sasuke walked past the gates of Kumogakure and sighed, "We finally finished the mission.", you smiled. "Ready to go home?", you asked, stretching. Sasuke let out a hum and you two began walking.

It soon became dark and you noticed that Sasuke was starting to walk a little slower. "Ne, Sasu-chan, I think there's an inn further ahead. Do you think you can make it?", you handed him some water. He nodded, "Let's go."


You both eventually reach the inn. You enter and you're immediately greeted with the smell of tea and delicious food. "Hello, we would like to check out a room with two beds.", you asked the lady behind the desk. She frowned a bit, "I'm sorry ma'am, but we only have rooms with one beds available.", she looked at you concerned. Sasuke came up behind you and wrapped his arm around your waist, "That's fine, we'll take it.", Sasuke told the lady behind the counter. You tried to stop Sasuke, but his hold on your waist became tighter, making you flustered. She kindly gave us the room key and bid us a good night.

You and Sasuke both walked to your room, his arm still tightly coiled around you. You noticed, but didn't say anything about it, as you secretly enjoyed it. He unlocked the room door and let you walk in first. "There isn't a couch, Sasu-chan..", you said nervously. "It's fine, we'll just share a bed.", he said casually. "Wh-What?! No way! Why would we do such things like that..?", your face turned red and Sasuke lifted your chin to look at him. "Because we're a couple, aren't we?"

You averted your gaze to the side and shyly agreed. You walked to the bathroom to take a shower. While washing your hair, you heard the door open. "Sasu-chan?", you asked quietly. You suddenly felt someone's lips on your shoulder. You flinched and squealed, "Sasu-chan! Don't do that, you scared me!", you turned around and scolded him. Sasuke's eyes went wide and his face slowly turned red. You looked at him questioned, but looked down and realized that you were naked. You covered your breast and lower parts and looked at him, "Don't look at me...", you pleaded quietly.

Sasuke grabbed your arms and pulled it away from your body, revealing your (small/large) breast and your lower area. "So beautiful...", he whispered to himself. He leaned in to kiss you and turned off the water at the same time. You moaned into the kiss as Sasuke pinned you against the wall. He pulled away from the kiss for a split second, "Jump", he said, then continued to kiss you. You complied to his wishes and wrapped your legs around his waist. His hand rested on your hips as he carried you to the bed.

He laid you down gently and kissed your neck. "Are you ready?", he asked in a low voice. You nodded, "It's my first time...Please be gentle...". Sasuke leaned to your ear, "I will...", he slowly inserted his member into your womanhood. You let a few tears slip out and Sasuke wiped them away with his thumb. 

"Ah, Sasuke, I'm close", you moaned quietly. He started thrusting a bit faster and held your hand while kissing your neck. You and Sasuke released at the same time. He laid on top of you, panting and pecking your cheek a few times. "I love you", he said, but instead of getting a response, he heard soft snores. He chuckled and fell asleep next to you.

(A/N): FINALLY AN UPDATE I AM SO SORRY BUT ITS SUMMER VACATION WHOOOOOO!~ This was requested by rayrayluvsu I'm so sorry its really late, but I hope you enjoyed it :) The ending was a bit rushed please forgive me TT^TT ~jazmynecchi

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