Sasuke X Reader

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You sat next to Sasuke, who was slouched over, face in his hands.

"You alright?", you asked in a soft voice. He nodded, "Being a rogue so stressful."

"Running away isn't nearly as easy as they say...", you told him, kissing his cheek. There was a short silence. "Do you regret leaving?", you laid your head on his shoulder. He takes you in his arms and laid back onto the bed, "Sometimes...only because I don't get to see you as often anymore."

Sasuke held your body close to his, as if it would be the last time. Your heart raced as he breathed gently into your ear. "Why are you holding me so close?", you asked confused. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning...", he trailed off. "So soon? You've only been here for 2 days...", you looked up at him and pouted. "I know...", he hugged your small body closer to his. "When do you think you'll come back?", you asked, trying hard to make it sound like you weren't about to cry.

Sasuke chuckled and pulled away to look at your face, "Go ahead. Cry. You don't need to act strong in front of me anymore.", he said, stroking the side of your cheek with his thumb. You let a few tears slip out before it turned to little sobs. Sasuke sat up and sat you in his lap, gently rubbing your back. A few minutes later, Sasuke laid your body back down onto the bed and got up to prepare his things.

"Can't I go with you?", your weak, quiet voice asked.

Sasuke sighed and turned to you, "As much as I want to, that would be putting you in danger."

You got up from the bed, "I'm strong! I promise I won't drag you and your team down! Just let me go with you."

"(Y/N), it's not about how strong you are. I just...,", Sasuke paused. "I need you here to greet me whenever I visit. I need you to be somewhere...where I know you're safe."

"Oh yeah. Like a cabin in the middle of the woods is 'safe'", you said sarcastically, putting finger quotes around the word "safe". You teared up again, but you blinked them away, wanting to remain strong to push your point even further into Sasuke's consideration.

Sasuke shut his eyes and walked over to you. He placed his hands on your shoulders and suddenly pulled you towards him. He pressed his lips against your forehead. Your eyes widened, Sasuke rarely did that. You backed away, face as red as a tomato.

Sasuke then used this chance to activate his Mangekyou Sharingan to show you what would happen if you were to go with him.

It involved loads of teasing from Karin, even hair pulling, getting kidnapped, being a hostage to villages as a bait to get Sasuke, and almost getting killed.

Sasuke began to get worried as you lowered to the floor and began screaming. He caught you before you made contact with the ground and released you from the genjutsu. Tears clouded your vision and you became breathless from screaming. You were on all fours, trying to catch your breath. Sasuke kneeled in front of you and brought you into his embrace.

"Shh...I am so sorry, but that was the only way to convince you, love...", Sasuke whispered into your ear. You shuddered in fear as the genjutsu played once again in your mind. "Do you understand why you need to stay now?", he asked, feeling guilty of the traumatic damage he's done to you.

You were too shocked to answer with words, so you gave him a slight nod. He held you close to him. You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and began to sob. Sasuke muttered apologies over and over and carried you bridal style to the bed. He laid down and placed you on top, so your head was on his chest. You began to calm down, eventually falling asleep. Sasuke's hands rested on your lower back and rubbed small circles with his thumbs, falling asleep as well.

Sasuke woke up the next morning, only to find that he was alone in bed. Worried, he looked around the cabin, finally finding you in the kitchen. You were too focused on cooking to hear Sasuke walk up behind you and wrap his muscular arms around your waist. "I thought something happened to you...", he said in his low morning voice. You smiled and turned to him, with a plate of food in your hand. "I got up early to make you something to eat before you leave. I know you leave without eating, Sasuke. That isn't healthy.", you held his hand with your free hand and led him to the table, placing the plate of food in front of him. "Thanks...", he said quietly.

You sat across from him, smiling at the sight of him eating the food you made. "Aren't you going to eat?, Sasuke asked. You smiled, "I already ate-", your stomach growled loudly. You chuckled nervously, averting your gaze. "Here.", Sasuke said. "Huh?", you were suddenly face-to-face with a spoon with food on it. "If you don't eat it, I will...", Sasuke looked away from you, hiding his red face. You gulped nervously and took a bite of what Sasuke offered.

Sasuke ate his meal slowly, stalling so he would leave later. But the meal couldn't last forever. He ate the last bite of his breakfast and placed his dishes in the sink before he followed you to the front door. He put on his sandals and looked to you. Your head was down, bangs covering your face. He stood up and lifted your chin with his fingers and inched his face closer to yours. His dry soft lips touched yours, but only for a split second. You pouted at him. "I'll be back soon. I promise.", he hugged you and kissed you for real this time.

"Be careful, Sasuke...", you said as he slid the door open. "I will. I'm just worried about you.", he sighed. He turned back to you, "I love you.", he said, looking right into your (Eye Color) eyes. You blushed, "I-I love you, t-too.", you said. "I'll get going now. See you soon.", Sasuke put on his black hood before sprinting and jumping onto the branches of the trees.

"Yeah...See you soon.", you whispered.


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