Kabuto Yakushi x Reader LEMON

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Word count: 919

Requested by: SapphireQueen233


You looked over the city of Konoha, a glass of sake in your hand. There was a Christmas Eve party going on downstairs. You didn't really like parties, but since it was held at your house, which you shared with Naruto, you were kind of forced to stay.

You sighed, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling you had while Kakashi flirted with you before you came up to the balcony. You took a last swig of your sake before you put your glass down, then sighed, thinking of a person you would love to spend this year's Christmas with...

You laid in the hospital bed, cold and frail. There were multiple machines hooked up to your body, helping you live. You've been like this for quite a while, not even Tsunade knew what was wrong.

You stared at the ceiling, thinking of how much you would love to be outside, hanging out with friends, having a normal life instead of being stuck in this boring hospital.

The room door slid open, revealing an unfamiliar face. He had round framed glasses and white hair pulled into a ponytail. He had a kind smile on his face, and it soothed you.

"A-are you new? I've never seen you here before...", you said, slowly sitting up.

"I'm Kabuto Yakushi, nice to meet you (Y/N)-san.", he smiled.

Within your days together in the hospital, you've learned things about each other that no one else knew. For example, you learned that Kabuto worked with an interesting man who goes by the name Orochimaru.

Rumors eventually spread, more and more people somehow found out that Kabuto worked with Orochimaru. Eventually, enough people knew, and Kabuto left.

Another year or so passed, and you've constantly wrote to each other, eventually leading to a long distance relationship.

The sound of a bird flapping snapped you out of your thoughts and brought you back to reality. The bird landed on the balcony, and a small piece of paper was tied to its leg with a red string. Curiously, you detached the piece of paper and the bird quickly flew away.

My dearest (Y/N),

It has been a while since we have last seen each other. I want you to come to the Orochimaru hideout, so we could have a little Christmas celebration of our own. I'll be waiting...


You bit your lip in excitement and ran back inside to make sure you looked good before teleporting to the hideout where Kabuto was.

The hideout was as dark and creepy as ever. You found yourself in the middle of the hallways, not sure which room to go into. You began to wander and eventually found yourself at a dead end

"My, my, what do we have here?", you heard Kabuto's smooth voice emerge from the shadows. "I must say, that outfit really suits you, (Y/N)-san.".You wore a short black dress, barely covering your behind and the cleavage was a bit showy. You smirked, "I'm ready for our little celebration.", you seductively walked over to him and pulled him by his shirt. You pressed your lips forcefully against his.

Kabuto pulled away and began carrying you bridal style into one of the rooms. After locking the door, he put you down and sat at the edge of the bed. He suddenly pulled you back to him, making you sit on his lap. You felt his hard member press against the side of your thigh.

"I think you've been a naughty girl this year, (Y/N)...", Kabuto smirked. He unzipped your dress and hastily got it off. You took off his shirt while he fumbled with your bra.

Soon enough, the both of you were naked. "I don't need to be nice to get a present, this is all I need.", you said seductively as you got on your knees. You took his member into your hand and licked from the bottom to the top. Kabuto hissed in pleasure as you continued to work your magic with your tongue.

After a while, you couldn't wait anymore. You stood up and pushed Kabuto onto the bed, so now he was laying down. You straddled his hips and rubbed your womanhood against his member. The both of you groaned and panted. He held his member and inserted it into you. You began to bounce up and down, changing your pace every now and then.

"Ah, (Y/N)-san-!", Kabuto whimpered.

You then felt something warm in your body, then drip out of your womanhood. Feeling exhaustion take over your body, you collapsed on top of Kabuto.

"Ne, let's do that again~", Kabuto kissed your forehead. You tiredly laughed and shook your head.

"Merry Christmas, my love...", you panted.

"Merry Christmas."

Extra: It was about 5 o'clock in the morning, and you bid Kabuto a sad farewell before teleporting back to Konoha. When you teleported back, Naruto and Sakura were in your room waiting for you, both smirking. "Uh, guys? Why are you up so early?", you asked. "We were waiting for you, (Y/N)-nee-san.", Naruto got up and his smirk got wider. "Yeah, where were you, (Y/N)?", Sakura crossed her arms. "U-uh, I was out, training. Since last night.", you lied. "Liar! I found the note from Kabuto! What did you guys do that late at nig-", Naruto yelled until he realized what you and Kabuto did. "Agh! Gross!", Naruto stormed out of the room, making disgusted noises as Sakura teased you....

(A/N): Hi everyone! This was a bit late, but I finally got it up after a few days without wifi omg. Hope everyone had a good Christmas! Comment what you got and what you got others that you're really proud of buying :) I got loads of new clothes and I got one of my best friends and Bob's Burgers shirt bc she loves that show so much and she literally flipped when she saw it omg i luv my friends :'))))) ~jazmynecchi

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