Shikamaru Nara x Reader (LEMON)

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Word count: 1380


You and your crush, Shikamaru, were not exactly friends, but you weren't enemies either. Constant insults were thrown back and forth every time you encountered each other.

Other people would think you guys hated each other, but you and Shikamaru were close enough to know those insults were playful.

Currently, you were on a mission with him and his teammates, on your way back to Konoha. It was quiet in the forest as you all jumped through the trees...Well, it would be if you and Shikamaru would stop bickering.

"You know, if you didn't come along on this mission, we would've came back 2 hours ago.", Shikamaru stated.

"Hey! It was an emergency! It's not my fault I have a small bladder, pineapple head!", you replied, slightly upset.

You then heard a snort to your right, Choji and Ino were stifling their laughter. "Eh? What's so funny?", you asked, clueless. Ino giggled, "You guys are! You guys argue like an old married couple!", she covered her mouth and laughed. "Yeah! You guys fight all the time!", Choji agreed.

You stood there, your face was red and hot. "It's not like tha-", you tried to defend yourself, but you were interrupted. "(Y/N), don't bother. Let's just get home.", Shikamaru looked away, attempting to hide his blushing face.

"But-!", you were so flustered, you couldn't think about anything, so you eventually gave up. "Fine, let's go."

~~Back at the village~~

It was around sunset when you and Shikamaru's team go back to the village. "Well, I'm going to the flower shop, come visit me when you have time!~", Ino said, walking off. "I'm gonna go eat some BBQ! Ne, wanna come (Y/N)-chan?", Choji asked. You smiled, "I would love to, Choji-kun, but I already ate, sorry!", you kindly rejected him. "That's okay, more for me then!", he smiled widely and walked off as well.

You and Shikamaru were left alone. "I guess I'll walk you home, it's getting pretty late anyways, and you shouldn't be walking alone at this time of day.", Shikamaru told you, walking ahead with his arms behind his head.

Feeling your cheeks get a little hot, you followed his tail and caught up with him.

As you and Shikamaru reach your house, you see a note on the door with your name on it.

"Eh?, what's this?", you asked to yourself quietly.

"Dear, (Y/N), your father and I will be on a week-long mission. We have taken the spare key since we couldn't find ours and accidentally left yours inside, so sorry about that. Anyways, we give you permission to sleep at a friends house. Love, Mom and Dad"

You were so into the letter, you didn't notice Shikamaru walk up behind you and read the note over your shoulder. You turned around, face to face with Shikamaru. "You know, I don't mind being this close.", you said out loud. "Really, well then, I guess you don't mind sleeping at my house, would you?", Shikamaru gave you a slight smirk and winked.

"EH?! YOU HEARD ME?! AH, CRAP, I SAID IT OUT LOUD, DIDN'T I?", you screamed, extremely flustered. Shikamaru sighed and dragged you to his house. "Mom! Dad! (Y/N)'s spending the night." "Alright!"

It's that easy, huh?, you thought mentally, for sure this time. No objections? If it were your parents, they would have to have a background check on Shikamaru before he even learned your name.

Shikamaru led you to his room and gestured you to come in. You looked around, pretty neat for a lazy guy. His bed was made, no dust was seen, but there were a few clothes piled up here and there.

"Uh, can I borrow some clothes?", you asked shyly. Shikamaru's face turned red at the thought of you in his clothes, but brought some out anyway.

"Here. The bathroom is down the hall.", he said, picking up the clothes that were scattered across his room.

You changed into his loose pajama pants and baggy t-shirt. You walked to the door of the bathroom, but then felt a breeze on your legs as you reached for the knob, you look down to see that the sweat pooled around your ankles. "They're too big.", you took them off completely and folded them and walked back to Shikamaru's room. "Ne, Shikamaru, these sweats are too big, do you have anything smaller?", you asked, finding Shikamaru looking at you with wide eyes.

"That's it...", he muttered under his breath. "What?", you asked innocently.

Shikamaru scooped you off the ground and threw you gently onto his bed, hovering over you. "(Y/N), I've lik-no, loved you for a really long time now. Please, let me make love to you...", he looked straight into your eyes, you could feel the sincerity in his words.

You smiled, heart racing, "I love you, too, Shikamaru. Ever since we were kids.", you teared up a bit. Shikamaru smiled softly, and lowered himself closer and closer, the gap between your lips getting smaller.

You lips finally met, his tongue swiped on your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You gladly let him and opened your mouth for him to explore. He didn't leave a single place untouched. He pulled away and took off your shirt, and you did the same to him. Since you were planning to go to sleep after you changed, you took off your bra, leaving your bare chest exposed. Shikamaru moved down your body and took your left breast in his hand, while he licked the other, sucking on it every once in awhile.

You moaned softly, afraid that his parents might hear, "Shikamaru, don't tease me, please~..."

Shikamaru chuckled quietly and proceeded to take off your panties. He stuck a finger inside your womanhood, earning a high-pitched squeak from you. He curled his finger, but it wasn't enough to pleasure your g-spot, so he added another. He curled his fingers again, hitting your g-spot exactly. The pleasure almost made you moan loudly, but you covered you mouth just before it could escape.

He retreated his fingers and sucked the juices that coated them, "Not bad...", he smirked. He looked at you and removed the remainder of his clothing, readying his member in the front of your womanhood. "Are you ready?", he asked. "We've come too far to end it now. I'm ready.", you stretched your arms and wrapped it around his neck. He slowly inserted his member, stopping every once in awhile to let you breathe. "S-so tight!", he gritted his teeth.

Shikamaru fully inserted his member and waited for you to adjust. After a few tears were shed, you gave him a slight nod. Shikamaru began to thrust slowly, making sure you weren't hurt. He left love bites on your neck and you left scratch marks on his back. The pain gradually became pleasure, "Shikamaru, g-go faster...", you whimpered. Shikamaru captured your lips with his in a passionate kiss, complying to your request.

You panted as you dragged your nails down Shikamaru's bareback, "Shikamaru!~", you yelled in a high pitched voice, not caring if anyone heard you. You released your juices on Shikamaru's member, making you clench around him tighter. "(Y/N)!", Shikamaru buried his head in the crook of your neck, leaving more love bites as he released his seed inside you.

He still hovered over you, both of you trying to catch your breath from that wild experience. "I'm so tired now...", you yawned. Shikamaru smiled down at you and handed back your clothes. You put them on and went back to the bed, where you saw Shikamaru shirtless. Your face felt hot, but you laid down next to him anyways, forcing your way to his side. Shikamaru shifted a bit, turning from his back to his left arm, facing you. His chin was on top of your head, and your head was at his chest. Shikamaru kissed your forehead lightly, "I love you...", he mumbled quietly.

You smiled and snuggled further into his chest, "I love you, too..."

(A/N): omg O////O i think this is the longest lemon i've ever wrote...~jazmynecchi

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