Here I Come ~Neji Hyuuga x Reader~

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You stood in the rain, no protection from it whatsoever. Your only protection, from anything, was buried in front of you, about 5-6 feet under piles of dirt.

A shiny headstone near your feet, a name you would never forget carved upon it. 

Soon, your tears mixed with the raindrops, making hard to differentiate between the two.

"It's been awhile...I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit.", you apologized quietly. You placed a hand on your slightly swollen belly.

"This one has been making it hard since you left.", you rubbed it gently.

You stood there in silence, remembering what happened 3 months ago;


You paced back and forth, anticipating the moment Neji came back from his mission. You heard the door slide open and you immediately went to go greet him. 

You smiled and said a soft hello as he took off his sandals. "Something feels different.", he said.

You gave him a confused look, "Like what?"

Neji turned to you and eyed you up and down, "I don't know, but I just feel it..."

He eventually brushed it off, but you couldn't hold it any longer. 

"Neji...I'm pregnant.", you suddenly said. Neji's pale eyes widened.

You are looked down at your fiddling hands, afraid of seeing his reaction. "(Y/N), that's...that's amazing.", he showed you a small smile and kneeled down in front of your flat stomach, "Hey, little one. I can't wait to see you."

You looked down in shock, but eventually returned the smile.

*Flashback end*

"It's been 2 months, honey.", you said, sniffling. "The pregnancy has been hard, but I'm sure I'll be able to manage it. I just...", you took a moment to sigh and recollect yourself from bursting into tears, "...I just wish you were here."

The rain began to hit harder. You sighed. "I guess that's a sign from you to go home...Alright, I'll go. But I promise I'll be back soon.", you wiped the spilled tears on your cheeks. You placed some flowers in front of the headstone and sadly made your way back the the Hyuuga compound.

~Time Skip~

You laid in your bed, frail and weak. Your skin was wrinkled and your condition became worse each passing day.

You stared at the ceiling, your grown twin sons at either side of your bed. "You're going to be okay, mother. The doctor is almost here, just give her a moment.", the eldest said. 

The younger one stayed silent, feeling as if he spoke, he would burst out in tears.

"I'm afraid I can't, my child.", your raspy voice said. "I believe my time here is up.", you smiled with your eyes closed. 

After a few moments of tears, breathing became more and more difficult. "Thank you for letting me become a mother. I love you both, so much.", you said, a single tear left your eye. Your sons held your hands tightly, "I'll be joining your father in just a few moments. All I ask, is that you take care of the Hyuuga clan, and keep it going for thousands of generations.", you said, heartbeat slowly coming to a stop. The monitor beside you beeped rapidly, the last beep was dragged out. 

"Here I come, Neji."

(A/N): more angst yes. im sorry ~jazmynecchi

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