Never Come Back ~Sasuke Uchiha x Reader~

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It's been 2 years since the war. 

Sasuke lost his left arm and now has the Rinnegan, but that stop the two of you from getting busy. You were now the mother of 3 boys, one more girl on the way. Your oldest was named Shirushi, who had you eyes and Sasuke's midnight black hair. Your second child was named Shouta, who was an exact replica of you, your (E/C) eyes and (H/C) spiked hair. Your third was named Senichi, who had Sasuke's onyx eyes and your attitude. 

You were putting your three boys to bed when you heard the front door open, "Daddy!", the three boys screeched. They all peeled off the blankets off their bodies and ran to the entrance. You closed your eyes and sighed, "I hope you're not like them and that you sleep a lot like me...", you said, holding your stomach. Sasuke returned to the boys' room with all three of them clinging on to a different limb of his. "Boys, it's time for bed...Shirushi starts at the Academy tomorrow.", Sasuke said sternly. "Uwah! Shiru-nii-san is so grown up now! When do I start at the Academy, oto-san?", Shouta asked, eyes twinkling. Sasuke had a ghost-like smile on his face, "Soon, but you have to sleep so you can grow tall enough to be a ninja.", Sasuke carried all of them to bed. 

Shirushi pouted, "Oto-san, what if I'm not as cool as you in the Academy."

You looked at Sasuke, "I'll train you every Wednesday, deal? But you have to be ready.", Sasuke suggested. Shirushi nodded excitedly and agreed immediately. "Good night, boys.", you said calmly. You closed the room door and immediately sighed out in relief, "No more kids after this, okay?", you looked up at Sasuke. Sasuke gave you a little smirk, "Can't promise that." 

You rolled your eyes and walked to your bedroom. You cautiously laid down on the king sized mattress, careful not to hurt yourself or the baby. "Still don't want me to come back?", Sasuke asked, cockily. You gave him a confused look. "The night I left the village...", Sasuke trailed off. You rolled your eyes, "Isn't it obvious? I married you and I'm about to give birth to our 4th child. WHat do you think, Sasuke?", you sassily remarked. Sasuke raised his hands in defense, "Hey, don't use your attitude on me."

Sasuke made his way next to you in the warm bed, wrapping his right arm around your waist. "I love you.", he mumbled into your neck. You turned around to cuddle into his chest, "I love you, too."


(A/N): lmao this was really bad, but I hoped you guys liked it. It has been a jammed packed week for me. I have to make about 3 more Naruto AMVS before I reopen my Instagram account for this Wattpad account. Comment if you want me to post it here! ~jazmynecchi

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