Deidara x Reader (LEMON)

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Before meeting Deidara, you were the shyest kunoichi in Iwagakure. You were always too scared to look up while walking because you could've made unintentional eye contact with somebody. You always twiddled your fingers and your voice was barely louder a whisper whenever you spoke.

Deidara thought you would be the perfect girl to take advantage of and manipulate, but somehow, he managed to fall for your shy charms. He wanted to do nothing but protect you and be happy.

Until the Akatsuki appeared and offered him a place as a member. His heart dropped as he realized he would have to leave you. He sat across the dining table from you, not touching the meal you made.

"D-Deidara-kun?...Are y-you okay?", you stuttered, eyebrows furrowed.

Deidara shook his head and placed his chopsticks down and gave you a sad look. "I have to leave...", he whimpered.

Your eyes widened and your heart began racing. "W-why? Did I-I do s-something t-t you?", you nervously asked as tears began to form.

Deidara noticed your tears and immediately ran to your side, grabbing your face with both of his hands. "It's not you, (Y/N)...Trust me, I wish I could tell you, but I can't...", he wiped your tears and kissed your forehead.

"C-can't I go with y-you?"

Deidara shook his head, "What I'm doing is too dangerous, I don't want you getting hurt...", he hugged you tightly.

You let out quiet sobs in his chest, "W-when are y-you l-leaving?"

"Early tomorrow morning...", he mumbled in your hair. He felt his heart a sting as he heard your quiet cries.

You strongly gripped the fabric of his shirt, never wanting to let him go. Deidara sighed and carried you to the bedroom you two shared. He laid you gently on the bed and laid next to you. You cuddled in the space where his shoulders and neck met, giving it small, sweet kisses.

Deidara pulled away, looking down at you before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. He slowly made his way above you, not breaking the kiss. He caressed your cheeks with one hand and held your hips with the other. 

You squeezed his shoulder a bit, signaling him that you needed to breathe. You both pulled away, faces red as tomatoes.

"Are we gonna...?", Deidara questioned.

Your face turned even redder at his question, but you nodded anyways, covering your face with your hands. Deidara let out a small chuckle at your actions and moved your hands away. 

He kissed your neck and left light love bites. You gasped as he bit a particular spot between your collarbones. You felt Deidara smirk against your skin, then began attacking that spot with his mouth.

He pulled away and began taking off your clothes tenderly, careful not to scare you.

You gulped nervously as he peeled off your shirt and shorts, only leaving you in your bra and panties. His eyes admired your ravishing, inviting body until you curled up into a ball to hide your body from him. 

"Hey...It's okay. You're beautiful...", he whispered lightly.

He took off his clothes, including his boxers and took off the remaining garments on you. His member was pointing towards the ceiling and a thick, opaque substance leaked from the tip. He climbed over you again, kissing you lovingly again.

He pulled away after a few seconds, "Are you ready?"

"W-will it hurt?", you asked, noticing the size of his member.

"It will at first, but I promise it will get better later, okay?", he assured you.

You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck. He slowly inserted his member into your core and stayed stagnant, allowing you to become accustomed to the new feeling. 

You bit your lip due to the pain, trying hard not to cry, but tears flooded your vision anyway despite your efforts. The bed covers were tightly gripped but your hands as you let out deep breaths.

"It h-hurts..!", you looked at him with teary eyes.

He comforted you, wiping the tears away delicately. "It'll feel better in a minute, just tell me when you're used to it..."

After a couple minutes the pain subsided, "Dei, y-you can m-move n-now...", you wrapped your arms back around his neck.

Deidara hissed at the tightness as he delved deeper into your core. He started thrusting at a very slow pace, only getting faster every time you let out a moan.

"Dei~ Faster~"

Deidara thrust faster into your core, his member sliding in and out of your slick core at a rapid pace. You wrapped your legs around his waist and brought him closer to you. Deidara felt the motivation in him fire up each time you screamed his name.

Deidara shifted his legs a bit, trying to get comfortable then continued to thrust in you hurriedly. 

"Ah~ Dei~ Right there! It feels good~", you screamed in pleasure.

Deidara smirked as he focused on thrusting and touching your g-spot. You let out moans relentlessly, "Something's coming!~", you squeezed your eyes shut as you reached your climax

Your core clenched around Deidara's member, causing him to reach his climax as well. He quickly pulled out and released the strange, white fluid onto your stomach and breasts.

You both panted and stared at each other with an affectionate look in your eyes.

Deidara laid down next to you and stroked rosy cheeks 

"I love you...I'll be back for you...I promise"

(A/N): 5 out of 5 requests on the Naruto Request list!! Requested by Shizuka7_2001, who was the last person to was able to request for the Naruto list :) Hope you enjoyed!~ 


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