Suigetsu x Reader

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You looked out the window, admiring the moon and the stars. You leaned your head against the window sill and sighed, remembering the day you first began to like him more than a friend...

Your days as a medical-nin were boring and consisted of the same thing everyday. Until, he stepped in and out your life.
Suigetsu was a common patient at the hospital, always injured from missions or training. As the youngest medic there, you were always the one taking care of him and healing his wounds.

"What is it now, Suigetsu?", you groaned as you saw him lying down in the hospital room. He smirked, "Broken arm."
You rolled your eyes and checked his info on the clipboard in your hands. "From training?", you asked yourself quietly. He hummed in agreement. "How intense is your training? You should probably...lessen it? Perhaps?"

He smirked once again. "I don't know. Maybe it isn't my training. Maybe Im hurting myself on purpose to see you...", he winked. Your body tensed up and your face went warm and red. You shook your head and took a sit on the stool near the hospital bed. "Give me your arm.", you said. Suigetsu moved his arm towards you and watched you.

A green light glowed from your hand and your eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Suigetsu watched you heal his arm with just as much concentration. "Ne, (Y/N)-chan. Go out with me...You know, when I get out of here...Which is...?"

"Tomorrow.", you replied without diverting your attention from his arm. "Besides, what's in it for me?", you asked, getting up from the stool and bandaging his arm and put the sling on his shoulder.

Suigetsu shrugged, "Who knows. The only way to find out is to actually go.", he winks. You stared at him with your arms crossed. "As long as you promise to not hurt yourself on purpose from now on, I'll go.", you said. He let out a chuckle, "Deal. See you tomorrow when I get out of here."

"Mhm...Sleep well, Suigetsu.", you left the room and closed the door behind you.

A tear slipped out of your eye as you noticed a hawk land on the railing of your balcony. You immediately ran out to the balcony and received the small piece of paper attached to its leg. You set the hawk away and walked back inside to read the note:

Every night I can imagine you looking out your window, watching the stars...Like we used to. i really wish I could be with you, but you know how dangerous this journey is. But don't worry about me, you know I'm strong. Also, we have a healer on our team, so don't worry about me constantly getting hurt. Take care of yourself, I'll be home soon.

You placed the note in a drawer next to your bed, along with a pile of other notes from Suigetsu. You sat back down next to the window and tried to keep your sobs in as you remember the day he told you he was leaving.

You had just ended your shift at the hospital. It was late at night and snow fell all around you. You looked in front of you and saw Suigetsu leaning against a street light, waiting for you. "Sui-kun?", you questioned. He looked up with wide eyes, but then his expression turned to a one filled with guilt. "What's wrong?", you asked.

He shook his head and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "Let's walk around for a bit...", he said lowly.

You two eventually ended up at a park, sitting on the swings, "Why are we here, Suigetsu?", you asked. He sighed, "(Y/N)...I'm leaving the Mist...". Your head snapped to look at him. "What?!", you yelled. Suigetsu closed his eyes, "Im going on a mission to get stronger. This guy wants to study me and he promised he can make me stronger...", Suigetsu trailed off. You shook your head in disbelief, "Do what you want, I don't care...". You got up from the swing and walked away, but Suigetsu caught up with you

"(Y/N, wait. Let me explain.", Suigetsu tried to reason with you. He grabbed your forearm and you made you look at him. "Explain what?! You choosing strength and power over me?! I can't believe you, I expect so much from you, but I guess me first instinct were right. Just go, Suigetsu. Do what you want...", you looked down at the ground and heard Suigetsu sigh, sniffle, and walk away.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the same hawk tapping on your window. You opened the window and untied the string around its leg. You opened it and read it:

Look down from the balcony

Confused, you walked to your balcony and looked down to see a familiar head of white hair. You rushed downstairs and opened the front door to see the person you've dreaded but desired to see for so long.

"I'm home..."

(A/N): how the story progresses depends on you c: requested by: Unlucky_Laughter13 Hope you liked it ((((: ~jazmynecchi

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