there's a long a/n after this fic, please read it.
My vision blurred in fatigue as I tried to stand up, my chakra was dangerously low. I looked to my left to see two childrens' bodies on the ground. They were no older than 5, lifeless. I could've saved them, if I were stronger. I felt the air in my lungs leave my body as the guilt for their deaths weighed upon me. I fell back to the ground on my knees, hyperventilating.
"It's all my fault. They're gone because of me.", I said breathlessly.
"(Y/N)!", I heard a voice call out to me. I gasped as I was awoken from my nightmare, feeling sweat drip from my forehead down onto my cheeks. I sat up in the bed and looked to the left, seeing Konohamaru staring back at me with deep concern.
"It happened again didn't it..?", he asked quietly. Hearing his voice instantly calmed my rapid heartbeat, but the tears didn't cease.
I nodded, "It was so vivid...", my voice cracked. The tears reflooded my eyes as Konohamaru brought me into a tight embrace.
"We could bring them in, if it makes you feel better.", he mumbled into my hair. I nodded.
"It would make me feel much better.", I gave a small smile as we both peeled the covers to get out of bed and sneak into our kids' rooms. I walked over to the crib that cradled my 3 year old son as Konohamaru walked in the room across, which was the room that belonged to our 4 year old son.
"Hey, sweetie, let's lay down with mama and papa tonight...", I said gently, stroking the top of his head. His eyes fluttered open, smiling at the sight of me. He reached his chubby arms towards me and I carried him out of his crib. He yawned as he rested his head on my shoulder. I turned around to see Konohamaru carrying our older son, who was still sleepy as well, but still managed to wave to his little brother.
We all made our way to the master bedroom and climbed into bed; Konohamaru, our older son, our younger son, then me in that order. I shifted to my side, taking in the view of my sleeping family. I chuckled quietly to myself.
"My boys...I love you.", I said before snuggling into my pillow and comfortably falling into a deep sleep with no more nightmares.
(A/N): i know this was really short, but it's all i could think of for now. i hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this pandemic and among all these protests. i know this may cause some controversy, but i am allowed to express my opinions. i am not african-american, i will never understand what you all go through, but i stand with you and will support you no matter what in these hard times. and i'm sorry it took so long to say something, i've been trying to find the right words. if any of you are able to, please sign the petitions to have Breonna Taylor's murderers arrested (they have a law based on her murder, yet the officers responsible for her death are free) and donate to organizations if you can!! and to those who are actively protesting in their cities, remember to bring more than one mask, water, sanitizer, and a first aid kit. please please please stay safe, everyone. i love you all. #blacklivesmatter #saytheirnames

Naruto x Reader Oneshots
FanfictionHello! I hope you enjoy these little scenarios with the Naruto characters! Requests are open until I say so :) ~jazmynecchi