"(Y/N)!", Shikaku yells. You snap back into reality, but it was a second too late. A kunai sliced through your shoulder, making you yelp in pain. You pressed your other hand against the wound, "(Y/N)-san! Hide! We'll finish them off!", Choza says, enlargening his fist.
You nodded and hid within the trees. You cursed at yourself for letting yourself get distracted. You removed your hand from your wound and analyzed it. A wide, deep gash on your shoulder stained your skin with blood. Biting your lip to avoid cursing out loud, you began to load chakra to heal yourself.
A few minutes later, you heard Shikaku calling your name out. "I'm over here", you called from your spot on the tree branch.
You heard Choza, Shikaku, and Inoichi jump and land on the branch. "You can heal yourself, right?", Inoichi asked, slightly cringing at the amount of blood the gash let out. You nodded, "I've been reloading some since I've been here...", you said as a glowing green light illuminated your hand. You sighed out in relief as you felt the wound getting healed slowly.
"We'll go look out for more enemies." Inoichi and Choza hopped off the branch and sprinted back to the battlefield. Shikaku sighed and looked at you.
You, still healing your arm, avoided your gaze. "Are you alright?", he asked awkwardly. You nodded.
"I'm sorry about earlier...", he took a seat in front of you.
Your heart dropped when you heard his apology. Before you were ambushed, you two had gotten into an argument. You shook your head, "It's not your fault. I should've listened to you.."
The soft green light from your hand faded, "Crap...Out of chakra...", you mumbled to yourself. Blood still seeped from the almost closed wound. Struggling, you took off your backpack and rummaged for the bandage and ointment. You found both and applied the ointment, flinching at the stong sting it inflicted upon you.
You unwrapped the bandage and tried to wrap it around your arm several times, until Shikaku finally stepped in. "Here, let he help...", he said.
He took the bandages from you and wrapped your arm thoroughly, biting the wrap to cut it.
"Thanks...", you whispered. "We should go join Choza and Inoichi..."
He nodded, "Come down when you're ready...", then jumped to the ground.
You sighed out in relief, feeling all the heat from your face fade away.
"I can't do that to Yoshino...", you cursed and looked at the sky.
"If only I made my move when you were single...", you chuckled sadly, then joined Shikaku on the ground to help Inoichi and Choza to look out for enemies.
(A/N): requested by sweetsforalleternity :)) hope you liked it ~jazmynecchi

Naruto x Reader Oneshots
FanfictionHello! I hope you enjoy these little scenarios with the Naruto characters! Requests are open until I say so :) ~jazmynecchi