Gaara x Tsundere!Reader

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Requested by: Animegirl_4life


Gaara lied still in the bed, cheeks red and his forehead damp from cold sweat. His eyes were shut and his breathing was erratic. You furrowed your brows in concern as you squeezed the excess water from a small towel. You gently placed the towel on his forehead, but not before placing a soft kiss upon it. You then left the room with warm, rosy cheeks, and went downstairs to prepare his meal.

What you didn't realize is that Gaara was aware of your actions the whole time. As you turned your back to him and walked out the door, he gave a small smile and touched the place where your lips touched under the towel, the feeling still lingering.

He heard your footsteps climb up the stairs and he continued to pretend to be asleep. You walked into the room, a bowl of oxtail soup in hand. You put the bowl on the bedside table and shook Gaara's shoulder slightly. His eyes fluttered open, revealing his beautiful seafoam green eyes. His eyes locked into yours, making your face turn red.

"I-I...made you some food. You should take your medicine afterward...", you said, taking the towel off his head and giving the bowl of soup. He took it in his hands and his hand shook violently as he held the spoon close to his lips, causing all the contents he scooped fall back into the bowl with a small plop.

You heard him sigh in frustration and turned your attention to him. He placed the spoon back down into the bowl and looked at you with pleading eyes. Your eyes widened and you froze in place. You realized his struggle and felt bad, so you pulled a chair next to the bed and took the bowl in one hand and the spoon in the other. 

Gaara looked at you confused and watched you scoop with the spoon and hold it out in front of his mouth, averting your gaze to the side. The redness of your cheeks was prominent. 

Gaara looked at you, mouth slightly agape in surprise. You looked back at him with through the side of your eyes.

"Are you gonna eat it or not...?", you mumbled.

Gaara snapped out of his trance and leaned in closer eat the contents on the spoon. This continued for another 10 minutes or so before the bowl was empty. 

You smiled as he took the last bite. You got up to put the bowl away, but before you could even move an inch from the chair, Gaara wrapped a weak grip around your wrist.

"You're not going to give me a forehead kiss this time?", he playfully mocked. 

"Eh?!", your body tensed as steam visibly blew out your ears.

"S-Shut up!", you yelled, embarrassed. 

Gaara looked to you with glistening eyes. You finally gave in and placed a quick peck on his forehead before sprinting out the room with the bowl. 

(A/N): A biiiiit short, but it's currently 12 AM and i have school tomorrow. 4 out of 5 of the Naruto Requests! One more to go and I can begin on the other books!! ~jazmynecchi

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