Sasori x Reader

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(A/N): this is part 2 of the other sasori x reader (not "my little puppet", the one after that)

You stared at the ground and remained silent until it was time to go. "We're ready, let's go...", (Sibling's name) commanded.

All three of you teleported from the forest to Sunagakure, with Sasori worriedly watching from the trees...


Sasori returned to the Akatsuki base, gathering supplies to rescue you. He grabbed random scrolls from his dresser and hastily put on his cloak. "Where are you going?", Konan questioned. "(Y/N)'s been kidnapped. I'm going to get her back.", Sasori replied, keeping his focus on his cloak. "Kidnapped?!", Konan's eyes widened. 

Sasori exhaled a deep breath. "Don't let anyone else know. If anyone asks, (Y/N) and I are training in the forests.", he told Konan. Konan nodded her head, "Get her back, Sasori. Bring my best friend back...", she said quietly. Sasori stood silently for a second before nodding and leaving through the window of his room.

He jumped through the trees as quickly as his legs could carry him. But by the time he got arrived to Sunagakure, it was too late. Your siblings had turned you in to the Kazekage, meaning you were put in prison and were to be executed the next morning.

Sasori sat at the top of a building, thinking of ways to break into the prison and get you out. He shook his head and just went of it. If he died saving you, then it was worth it, especially after he shattered your heart to pieces just hours before. He slipped through a narrow window and silently took out a couple guards. He heard your quiet sniffles down the dark corridor and followed the noise, "(Y/N)?", he whispered.

You instantly recognized that voice, "Sasori?"

A shadow appeared in front of your cell, "What are you doing here? You need to leave before you get caught!", you whisper yelled.

"No, I'm not leaving here without you...", Sasori mumbled, fumbling with the keys he picked from the guards. He finally found the right key and unlocked your cell door. You opened the door and was immediately engulfed in a pair of arms. 

"(Y/N), I-I....", Sasori stuttered.

I pulled away and gave him a small smile, "I know, but let's talk it out later, when we're back at the base, okay?"

Sasori shook his head, "No, I'm sorry... I should have never said those words to yo-"

"Sasori! We need to go! I sense someone's chakra getting closer and closer."

Sasori sighed, annoyed, but nodded and helped you out the window. You climbed out and grabbed Sasori's hand, pulling him out the window. You both headed for the forest.

"Hey! She's gone! Send out troops, we must find her!", you heard one of the guards yell.

You and Sasori continued to run until you got near the base. "I think we could stop running now, we're clear.", you said, panting. You sat down on the ground and tried to regain your breath. You closed your eyes, feeling and hearing Sasori take a seat next to you. You felt your eyelids get heavier and heavier, eventually falling asleep. Your head rested upon Sasori's shoulder. Sasori slightly smiled, kissing the crown of your head.

"I'm glad your back, (Y/N)...", Sasori said. He placed you on his back, and carried you back to the base, where Konan and the rest of the Akatsuki waited anxiously for your and Sasori's return.

(A/N): hi yall ~jazmynecchi

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