dear darlin (calum)

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I'm here again bitches.


Dear darlin,

Hi my love. Please don't stop reading, please. I know I fucked up and I know I should've owned up to my mistake earlier. Please, read this all the way through. I never ment to hurt you, that was never and never will be my intention. It was so stupid of me. Who thinks that they should just stop talking to their girlfriend? Idiots apparently. I just thought you got tired of me and that you were done trying to mend whatever got broken between us in the long distance calls and static-y kisses over a webcam. Im not whole without you, you are the missing peice to my heart that's been missing since the day I was born, you're what I need to keep going. You're my motavation. You're my happiness. You're my safety. You're my sanity. I totally get why you're ignoring my texts and calls and e-mails, I understant why you're angry. But please, forgive me and my insecurity, I promise not to ever cut you out of my life like that again. In the envelope theres a plane ticket and a ticket to my show next week. If I've explained myself enough for you to forgive me, will you please fly out? It's all that I ask. I miss you so much. I'm slowly going crazy without you and your dumb smile and cute laugh. Anyway, I know I'm an idiot, but at least I'm your idiot...(I hope?) Please don't give up on what we have, I know it sounds dumb but I know that you're the one. I love you.

- the biggest idiot in the world,

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