sing for me - yellowcard (calum/4)

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look at me and listen close, so I can tell you how I feel before I go
it's just a year, it's not much time
for me to show you I am proud that you are mine

You rolled over in bed to be met with an empty space beside you. The sheets were cold were he usually slept, so you shot up in a sleepy panic. You scrambled out of bed and slipped on a random tee shirt you found on the floor along with the first pair of pants you found and sprinted downstairs. "Calum?" You call, padding into the kitchen while pulling your hair up. Calum turns around to face you as he continues to spread butter onto his toast. "Yes, darling?" Calum smiles warmly. You let out a breath and wrap your arms tightly around him. Calum sets down his toast and hugs you back. "I thought you'd already left, the sheets on your side of the bed were cold." You mutter, slightly embarassed. You and Calum had a pretty simple relationship. During the first few weeks he didn't really open up much which had you kind of offended, but you later, as in 6 months later, realized Calum was generally a closed off person. "Oh, sorry," Calum laughed, pulling away and grabbing his toast, "I just had to pack a few more things. I told you last night you're coming to the airport with me, remember?" That was the reason you stayed at his house overnight, so you could take him to the airport. You nodded and poured yourself some coffee. Of course you remembered, but you thought he didn't. After eating breakfast in silence, you pointed to the clock and stood up. "Hey Cal, we need to go now. I'll help you with your bags if you drive." You smiled and picked up some of his bags, not bothered to wait for his response. Calum followed your actions and shoved his bags roughly into the car. He slid into the drivers seat and started the drive to the airport, where he'd meet the other guys and then they'd head off for another tour, this one for a whole year. You felt nerves kick in as you realized you'd be alone for a whole year. You'd given up a lot of friends to be with Calum, and you even moved a little further away from your family to be closer to him. Sometimes it felt like you're the only one doing anything in the relationship; and at times you couldn't really tell if Calum was with you because he loved you, or because he wanted a girlfriend. Calums leg was bouncing with nervousness as he pulled into the airport parking lot. As you two hauled his bags into the building you noticed the other three boys waiting by their departure location. "Geez, about time." Ashton muttered, though it looked like he was trying to keep a smile off his face. You felt tears well up in your eyes and you turned to Calum to say good bye. Calum shook his head roughly and smiled fondly at you. "Don't cry, there's no reason to cry." Calum took you in his arms and rocked you back and forth like a child. "My boyfriend is leaving for a whole year, of course theres a reason to cry." You cried into his shoulder. Calums body shook with laughter, pulling you away. "Aren't you worried about us?" You sighed. Once again, Calum shook his head and smiled at you. "No, because you're coming with me. I did the research and talked to my managers. Your classes don't start up again until a month after we'll get back and my manager said it was fine as long as I don't let you distract me from my work too much," Calum smirked proudly. You shook your head in disbelief. "I have all your stuff packed, that's why I was up this morning. I feel like I don't show you how much you mean to me enough. I know I'm too closed off and should express my feelings more so I want you to listen closely." Calum said seriously, locking eyes with you. "I know it's just a year, but I hope it's enough time for me to show you that I'm proud you're mine. I'm so fucking proud you're mine, Y/N. I love you, alright? I love you and I'd tell the whole world because I'm proud you're mine." You laced your fingers with his as he said the last words of his rant and smashed your lips to his. "I love you too, you're amazing, thank you so much." You muttered. That was the first time the most important and meaningful words had been exchanged between the two of you, and it felt great. "Now, let's get this show on the road, beautiful." Calum laughed, holding your hand and walking through the airport as the speakers called out your flight.

im going to see all time low in May because I have the most amazing friend (cough named Miranda cough) who just happened to get me tickets and I'm so incredibly thankful for her and my other friends IM SO EXCITED WOOP WOOP MOTHERFUCKERS

I don't know why I said that but I needed to so yeah bye hope you enjoyed this cause I had fun writing it :)) - ella

this is basically dedicated to CobxinShxrt soz

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