he helps you

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ashton: You had been taking a cooking class that you really enjoyed. After you came home for the weekend, you threw your stuff on the couch and pulled out the assignment you'd received. You needed to make a cake by scratch, along with making it pretty and taste good...but without a guide. You decided to wait for Ashton to get home to begin, so after you put on a pair of Ashtons sweats and a baggy tee shirt, you sat yourself on the counter, pulled your hair into a bun and read everything over a few more times. Finally Ashton came home and saw a bunch of ingredients all over the counters, along with his cute girlfriend. "Hi Ash!" You yelled, jumping off the counter and giving him a hug, "how was your day?" Ashton kisses your forehead then looks around the kitchen with a confused expression. "It was great, but what's all this?" Ashton asks. You grab his hand and pull him to where your papers are. "I have to make a cake, but without a guide or anything. It has to look pretty an take good. Wilk you help me?" you ask with wide eyes. Ashton giggles and holds your face in his large hands. "Of course I'll help you, sweetie," he replies, gently pecking your pouted lips. You immediately get to work on setting everything up, making sure to read the assignment one more time. You grab two bowls and get to work. "Okay so we need to pour some flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and cocoa in this bowl, and oil, butter and eggs in this one," you instruct Ashon. He nods and grabs the ingredients, carefully measuring them out before dumping then into the designated bowl. You start making the frosting in another bowl, occasionally making sure Ashtons doing alright. "I don't know why I'm taking this class, I kinda suck at cooking unless I have instructions," you laugh. Ashton laughs too, silently agreeing. "This is gonna turn out like shit," you mutter to yourself, heating up the oven while Ashton mixes the two bowls into one. "Eh, we'll see." Ashton shrugs. You cover the frosting and Ashton slides the cake into the oven. "Hey! We forgot something!" You yells. You look at him confused as he grabs a handful of flour. Quickly realizing what he was about to do, you began to back out of the kitchen slowly while shaking your head. "No, Ash. Yiu don't have to do this." Ashton laughs and before you can make it out of the kitchen, you have flour all over you. You wipe your eyes and blow some out of your mouth. "Fuck you, Ash," you giggle, cracking an egg onto his hair. Ashton gasps loudly and smiles wickedly at you. "Come here," Ashton states. You laugh and turn away, "no way dude." But just like before, Ashton grabs your hips and pulls your body into his and lays his head on top of yours, getting egg whites all over you. "Ash, you're so annoying," you sigh happily. "I know, but at least I helped you make a cake," he replies. In the end, the cake tasted horrible and looked like it had been run over.

calum: School generally made you angry, but during finals it was worse. To top it off, you had a huge project you needed to get done. You sat on your computer, typing out your project that had something to do with donuts. Calum noticed how you were stressing about the whole project, so he say down and invited himself to help you. "You look stressed, and I don't like it. What can I do to help?" You told him to sit on the floor and do as you old him to do. He knew the only reason you were so exact and uptight about this was because you wanted the best possible grade you could get, even though you were already holding up straight A's in all your classes. As you printed everything out, he glued it down onto the poster board. You had explained exactly what needed to be done in detail to him and hoped he would follow your instructions. "Calum, that's not were that donut goes! It's supposed to go with the origanal flavored donuts! This is a vegetable flavore donut!" You sighed deeply as Calum look up at you with a confused expression. He mumbled a quiet "what" while looking down at the poster board, realized what he did. "Well, I did drop out of school, you know." Calum attempted to joke. You rubbed your temples, deep in thought. Calum got up and say next to you. He kissed all over your face and down to your jaw, trying to calm you down. Finally you let out a big breath, "fuck this, I want donuts now, let's go." You stood up and grabbed Calums hand, leading him out the door and I to the car. "You're driving," you state emotionless, getting into the passenger seat. Calum begins to drive, holding your hand in one of his and driving driving with the other. "You shouldn't stress so much about this project. Messing up a tiny bit won't effect anything. Don't worry too much darling," Calum reassured you while pulling into the donut shop. You kissed his cheek and smiled widely, pulling him into the ship and picking out a dozen donuts you wanted. As you two sit in a booth, you sigh happily and smile at Calum, "thanks for helping me with my project, even though you totally fucked it up.'' Calum shhok his head and shoved half of his donut in his mouth. "Well,'' Calum stated, ''I tried, and let's not forget that I dropped out of school so I don't know nay college stuff." 

luke: You had gotten a large back piece tattoo on your back, and it required a lot of taking care of for it to heal properly. So far you'd only had the plastic wrapping around it and when you took that off, you didn't have to do anything for the next day. When you finally told Luke about it, he wouldn't stop staring. He loved the detail and artwork just as much as you did, if not more. "Luke!" You call through the house. "In here!" Luke yells back from the living room. Luke stands from his place on the floor and sets down his guitar to see what you need. "Okay, so I need to put this lotion stuff on my back, but I can't really reach. Will you help?" You ask with a pouty face. Luke laughs but takes the lotion out of your hand anyway. You turn around a pull your shirt up to your neck so he can get the whole tattoo. "I don't know why I do this for you. This lotion smells nasty," Luke sighs as he begins to rub the lotion into your back. You wince in pain, your skin still being sensitive and sore, "sorry, did I hurt you? I'll be more careful," Luke apologises. After he finishes, you go to pull your shirt back down but instead, Luke decides to kiss around the red skin on your back. "I love this tattoo," Luke mutters, turning you around and letting your shirt fall back around your torso. "But I love you more." You gently push him away but say "I love you too" anyway. "Maybe we should you a tattoo next Luke," You smile wickedly, thinking of what tattoo he'd get. "No, no. My mom would kill me." You nod your head in agreement but still imagine what Luke would look like with a tattoo, or a few. "You're a big boy, your mom can't tell you what you can and can't do woth your body." You state boldly as you cross your arms over your chest, "but you should never disobey her. Only get one if you really watnt one." Luke shrugged and nodded slowly. "I mean, yeah I want one, but not now...You know? In think I'm content with helping you with yours, babe.''

michael: This happened a lot, and Michael had gotten fairly used to helping you calm down. Today you guys had been lounging around. Michael was sat on the floor in an odd position while you sat on the couch typing an essay you needed to finish. All day ypu'd been on the verge of a mental breakdown, but said nothing, not wanting to bother Michale more than you felt already did. Although Michaels video game was loud and annoying, all you could focus on was trying not to cry and finshing this essay. When Michael got bored of his game he got up and sat next to youand noticed your hard stare at the laptop screen. You'd stopped typing and fianlly let the tears slip out of your eyes as your breathing quickened. You refused to look at Michael though, embarrassed and confused as to why this happens to you. "Hey darling, don't worry. It's okay. You can cry.'' Michael pulled you into his lap and brushed small chuncks of hair away from your forehead. ''Oh my god,'' you cried, ''why does this happen?' Michael hushed you and hummed into your ear while he swayed your bodies back and forth.'' Michael always had a way of calming you down almost insatntly but oday just wasn't your day. ''I'll never finsih this essay, school is too much I can't do this.'' You sigh, shoving your face into Michaels chest. ''Hey, hey. Yes you can. You just over- work yourself so much and it's not healthy. You need to take your school work one step at a time, alright? Calm down, I've got you.'' Michael cooed gently. Your tears stopped and you finally sat up and looked at Michael. "Thanks for always helping me, I know this gets annoying,'' you sighed sadly, looking down at you and Michaels intwined fingers. Michael shook his head and smiled widely at you, earning a smile back from you. "It's something different about you, you know? It's just a quirk that I do actually love very much. I like that I can help you when you need it most.'' Again, you wanted to cry, but not because you were anxious and sad this time. "I have such an amazing boyfriend, I love you so much Mikey, thanks for always helping me.'' You let out a watery laugh as you fell onto Michael. "I love you too, babe. But hey, you help me too.'' 

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