The first time your relationship is in a magazine

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ASHTON: "Oh my god! Y/N!" You hear from your room. You walk down stairs and see Ashton fanning himself with a Teen Pop magazine. "What did you need Ash?" You sit on the couch next to him while he calms himself down. "Our relationship. You and Me. Us." He says exasperated. You nod your head encouraging him to continue. He finally calms down enought to talk and shoves the magazine into your lap. "We're on the cover." Ashton smiles. You and Ash are both in the cover holding hands, looking happy as ever. "This is so cool. I used to read this magazine man." You laugh.

CALUM: You and Calum had been dating for a while, but had yet to tell the fans because you were scared of what they'd think. You were once a fan too, obviously. Calum called and asked you to come to his place for the day, so you packed everything you'd need and headed over there. Once Calim opened the door he started rambling apologies. "Cal, calm down. What are you saying?" Yoh laughed,bletting yourself in. "The fans must have seen us, were in the magazine. I'm sorry!" Calum said quickly. You were shocked and scared, but as long as you had Calum it'd be fine. "That's alright. Let them know."

LUKE: You rush into you and Luke's shared house with a burst of excitment. "Luke guess what?!?" Luke ran from the kitchen, looking at with with worried eyes. "We're in the magazine! Like not just you! Me too!" You were incredibly excited about what you'd just discovered, it's been 3 years and finally happened. Luke grabbed the magazine from you and read the title out loud with a strong announcers voice. "'Luke and Y/N? Talk about the hottest couple as of this summer!'" Luke hmped "this is so cool baby! Now even the fake fans know who you are!" He squealed after reading the article.

MICHAEL: You had been picking up some new hair dye from the drug store when you came across a magazine with a bold picture of you and Michael on it. You and Michael had been seeing eachother for a few months now, but we're still just friends. You were a popular 5sos fan account and wasn't sure how people would take this. When you confronted michael about it you were expecting the worst. "Well I guess bows a good time to ask then. Will you be my girlfriend?" You were beyond shocked, but nodded enthusiastically and hugge him.

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