He/ he and and the boys catch you dancing

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this's chapter is dedicated to Samiloves1dHaz because she requested it so thanks for requestinggg!!

ASHTON: Ashton and the boys had gone out for a while leaving you alone in the boys shared house. You had a huge dance recital tonight causing you to tell the guys you couldn't join. You figured they would be a while, so you decided to practice your routine. You started the slow music and began doing the dance the best you could without your ballet shoes on. You swayed gracefull and peacefully. Once your routine was over, you stayed in your ending position for a few seconds, then heard loud clapping and whistling. "Babe! You're going to do amazing tonight! I thought you were just an amateur but what you just did, that was amazing." Ashton squealed, his voice a few octaves higher than usual. "Well yeah, I'm sort of a professional." You blushed. "But thanks." everyone else complimented your amazing dance moves and ended up attending your dance recital.

CALUM: You had been chosen and a backup for one of Jessie J's dancers, incase one of them got injured you would be the one to fill in their spot. It was either a coincidence or fate telling you that you had to tell Calum about your job that one of the dancers broke neck leg the night you and Calum were supposed to go to the Jessie J concert. You had told Calum you had a family emergency and couldn't go, but he understood and took Luke instead. You got put into your all black outfit and strutted onto the stage along with a few other dancers. You looked in the second row, where Calum and Luke should be and spoofed them immediately. At first they didn't recognise you, but after you had to dance on their side of the arena they realised that it was you. After your parts of dancing in the concert was done you headed home as quick as you could. When Calum got home, he asked you a ton of questions. "Ugh, why didn't you tell me you're a dancer?" He asked after he calmed down. "I don't know, it never came up." you said, which wasn't really a lie. "Well, for the record, you're a really hot dancer." Calum huffed and marched upstairs.

LUKE: You had been pretty stressed out lately and needed an escape from everything. You and Luke had just gotten in a fight over not spending enough time together, so you ran home before he could catch up to you. You kind of hoped he would march in your front door and apologise to you, but after an hour he never did. You decided some loud music and some freestyle dancing is what you needed. You went to the hidden room in your house designed for your dancing and played your favorite song to dance to. You had gotten so into the music, you didn't realise that Luke had come into your house looking for you. He stood at the door of your dance room and watched in awe and you dance your heart out. Once the song ended, you froze realising Luke was standing right there. "Oh" you sighed. "I'm really sorry (Y/N)" Luke sighed. "And you never told me you could dance like this. I just came to apoligizeand I see this!" He smirked, taking your sweaty face in his hands. "It just slipped my mind, I only do it when I'm bored or need an escape now." Luke nodded and kissed you softly. "I gotta tell the boys about this."

MICHAEL: Michael had gone to the studio early this morning, so instead of laying in bed all day you decided to clean you and Michaels shared apartment. You blasted your favorite songs throughout the rooms, surely aggravating other people who lived in the the building. Once you got to the kitchen, your all time favorite song was playing, and couldn't help but shake your booty and was bang harshly. You were all sweaty in nothing but your undergarments and Michaels tee shirt, your hair falling out of its sloppy bun. Once the song ended, you finished wiping off the counters and giggled to yourself. "that was really hot babe, you didn't tell me you could dance like that." You laughed nervously and turned to face Michael. "Oh?" you laughed. "Yeah, do that booty shake again" Michael bent over in laughter. "I'm going to shower, stop laughing and my dance skills, yours are even worse." You said sassily, walking up the stairs. "I love you babe" Michael laughed kissing your cheek. "Thanks for cleaning the apartment."

Once again, I'm too lazy to re-read and check for spelling errors and shit so don't be surprised if you read something that made no sense. ANNNNDDDD I know absolutely nothing about dancing only that I cannot do anything that involves being coordinated so sorry that I changed the topic around a bit. Hope you liked it anyway!!

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