coming home from tour

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Michael had been on tour in America for the past few months, and today was te day he was finally coming home. Jumping with excitment as you're waiting for his plane to land. There were few fans here and there, but since they hadn't told anyone about leaving, there wasn't a lot of fans there. Once you hear that the plane ha landed, you impatiently waited for michael. When you see his vibrant green hair, you excitedly run to him, as he immediately puts his arms tightly around your waist never wanting to let go.

"I missed you so much." He mumbles into your hair.

"I missed you too." You smile back, exchanging 'I love you's'

Ashton: You were caught in a large crowd of screaming fangirls waiting for 5 Seconds of Summer to get back from their UK tour and all you wanted to was get to the front of the crowd so your boyfriend, Ashton, would be able to see you. After a few minutes of polite 'excuse me's' and shoving through, you hear that their plane had landed and you still can't see anything but hormonal girls. Eventually everyone starts screaming signaling that they're here. You text Ashton that your in the crowd somewhere and can't really get out so he knows that you didn't just abandon him. After a few second you here Ashtons loud voice.

"would everyone kindly move for a few minutes so I can see my girlfriend please He yelled so everyone could hear him. Eventually everyone watched as you and Ashton held eachother and kissed passionately.

Calum: You had actually waited at home for Calum to get home, due to the fact there would be a lot of people waiting for them and Calum didn't want you to get stuck in a huge crowd. You impatiently waited in your shared apartment, doing various random things to occupy yourself until he came home after 5 months. Finally, you here the door open and Calum throw his bags on the floor.

"(Y/N)! I'm home!"

You quickly ran up to him and jumped into his arms.

"Don't leave me for that long again please? I love you so much."

"I love you too."

You spent the rest of the day cuddling and telling eachother stories of what had happens while you guys were apart.


You were getting dressed up to go to a get together your best friend had forced you to come to. You didn't necessarily know why exactly you agreed to go, but you thought that maybe it could take your mind off of missing your boyfriend, Luke, who was currently on your with his band mates. You hadn't seen him in 3 months and missed him terribly.

You and your best friend walked into the room and you immediately were confused, there weren't very many people as she said there would be.

When everyone saw you were there they started cheering and looking behind you. You were confused so you turned around to see what they were looking at and saw Luke standing there looking perfect as ever. He ran up to you and spinned you around.

"What are you doing back!?" You yell over the cheers

"What? Not even a 'I missed you!' or 'I love you!'"

"I did miss you, and I do love you!"

"Tour ended early but I'm so happy to be back!" he said

"I happy you're back." You mumbled into his shoulder.


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