your favorite thing about him

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ASHTON: You love his determination and how if he has his mind set to something, he gets the job done perfectly. He's so strong and all around amazing. It's not everyday that you see someone that looks at every obstacle life throws at him so positively, and that's what you love about him.

CALUM: His weirdness. You absolutely adore how odd and crazy he is. Although he puts on a tough guy image, underneath he's just as rambunctious as a little boy would be and you love how he's not afraid to do the most crazy things around you.

LUKE: Luke is so sweet and caring and that's your favorite thing about him. He always put other peoples feelings first and to you that's the most important thing. Luke always makes sure that you're okay no matter what you're doing. You find it sweet that the first thing he says when greeting someone is "how are you doing?"

MICHAEL: Your favorite thing about Michael is how quirky and opinionated he is. He's always throwing his hands up or doing something when talking and voicing what he thinks about a certain situation and you find it so cute. He's also quite sassy and you find it hilarious.

i suck at updating lol

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