sleepless nights // memphis mayfire

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ASHTON: why am I terrified of everything I used to love, why won't you save me from myself I don't wanna hate who I've become

"Ashton, dinner is ready." You call from the kitchen, waiting for Ashton to start getting your own food. Ashton came into the kitchen a few seconds later looking slightly pale, but you thought nothin of it.
"I'm not hungry babe. I'll eat later, maybe." Ashton said walking out of the kitchen. "Thank you though." You put down the sandwich you had made him and follow him into the living room, were he was sat staring numbly at his phone screen. "Ashton, really. I haven't seen you eat a proper meal in weeks. Whats going on?" You ask worriedly. Ashton hadn't been eating normally, and had been kind of down lately. You sat next to him and pushed his hair back off his forehead soothingly. "You can talk to me." Ashton looked exasperated, and you hated it. "y/n why am I so afraid of what I used to love? I can't even eat anymore without feeling guilty. I really don't wanna hate who I am, I just wanna be happy." Ashton sighed, his voice cracking as tears pooled in his eyes. Your heart broke at the sight of Ashton so torn and miserable, he was pulling his hair harshly and mumbling incoherent words to himself. "Ashton stop." You whispered, taking his hands in yours. "We'll get you help, okay? You're not gonna go through this alone. You'll be happy soon. I love you." You promised. "I love you more. Thank you so much."

CALUM: If I live to see the other side of this, I swear I'll never take for granted any happiness.

You were appalled by what you had been just been told. Hurt, anger, sadness, pure fury too. "What do you mean?" You asked Ashton. "Calum has been cheating on you y/n. He came over to my place crying because he feels bad. I don't see how he could do this to you." You had heard enough, and the tears were about to come out. "Thanks for telling me, I guess."
You step into you and Calum's shared apartment to get your stuff with angry tears streaming down your face. "y/n?" Calum called, standing up from the couch. "Calum stop. I don't ever want to talk to you again." You snapped, heading upstairs. "No please listen! I didn't know what I was doing." Calum called, following you. "Cleary after 3 weeks you would haw figure it out." You screamed at him. "Okay! Okay! I realise now that your niceness and innocence is something I should cherish, not make me mad alright? I know that I only want to be with you!" Calum yelled back, but you didn't believe him.
"Calum I can't believe you! You think that I'll just take you back with open arms? I'm not dumb." You laughed bitterly. "I don't expect you to! But please, I only ever want to be with you. If you give me another chance I swear I'll never take for granted any happiness you give me. Please." Calum sighed, wiping the tears falling rapidly. "You get one more chance Hood, then I'll kick your ass."

LUKE: my visions blurred, my words are slurred

"Y/n" You hear from beside you. You turn to see your best friend Luke staggering toward you, clearly drunk off his ass. "Yes Luke?" You laugh at his appearance. "I wanna sit with you." Instead of letting him sit with you, you stand up and pull him toward the door. "No, you're so drunk. We're getting you home." Luke tried to protest, but his drunk mind wouldn't let the words come out. Once you got back to your place, you sat him down on the couch and got him some water, trying to sober him ateast a little bit. "Y/n" Luke whined. "Everything is blurry." He slurred his words. "Okay Luke. Just drink this" You laugh, plopping down next to him. Half of the water ended up in his body, half on him, he didn't realise though. Luke leaned in closer to you and whispered in your ear "can I tell you something?" you nodded and gulped at how close he was. "I realllly like you. But I can't see your face right now cause it's blurry and it's making me sad." Luke said, looking like he was genuinely going to cry. You were unsure if he was being legit, but remembered the quote "Drunk words, sober thoughts. "I like you too, Luke. But you need to go to bed." He laughed, but agreed anyway, laying you both onto your bed and falling asleep immediately.

MICHAEL: inhale, exhale, why is it so hard to breathe? inhale, exhale, why isn't this working?

Michael thought it would be fun to go out for the day, the first time since becoming an official couple. Although you despised big croweds and you knew your anxiety would get in the way, you agreed, wanting to make Michael happy. You got to the small pizza place safely and only ha one encounter with a young fan there. Once you left, however, teenage girls crowed around you guys in attempt to meet Michael, some of them shoving you out of the way. Your breathing quickened and you could see tears blurring your vision. Once Michael managed to get you both to his car, you were having a full blown panic attack, sobbing and shaking, your breathing uneven. Michael noticed your sad attempts at evening out your breathing and tried to help, wondering why you couldn't breathe. "Inhale, exhale." He repeated over and over. "Why isnt this working? Inhale, exhale." Finally, you calmed down and the girls had left the parking lot, giving up on meeting Michael. "What was that?" Michael asked. "Just an anxiety attack, I guess. I just wanna go home."


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