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these are short and they suck but ehh I went bowling last night with my favoritest people (( KrisT_16 OhsnapitsDani HemminglyHoran - CHRCK THEM OUT THEY WRITE 5SOS STUFF AND THEYRE GREAT. )) 'twas fun! these are horrible but yeah it feels good to update because I don't do anything with my life :))))

ashton: "Come on, I wanna get there before they start with all the crazy lights," Ashton whined to you. "Ashton, I told you I don't wanna go. It's unsanitary and gross," you stated with a look of disgust on your face. Ashton rolled his eyes at you and grabbed your arm softly, pulling you to the car. You didn't bother trying to resist, though. You can't resist Ashton anytime. "Doesn't matter. You can take a shower afterwards and I have hand sanitizer, we can even go out to get ice cream or whatever afterwards." Ashton giggled, getting into the car after he opens the door for you. "It's too cold for ice cream, I want hot chocolate," you say while turning up the heater on the car. Ashton mumbles an "okay" while smiling at you as he drives to the blowing ally. After you two get your shoes and pick out your bowling balls, you set up the machine and begin playing. Ashton, of course, over-exaggerates it; doing a little dance and throwing the ball down the lane, knocking over only two pins. "I suck at bowling but I just love it so much," Ashtons smiles happily. You shake you head and grab your ball, wincing at the greasiness of it. You pout at Ashton before simply swinging your ball down the lane, knocking down all the pins with ease. You turn aroun and smile proudly at a very dumbfounded Ashton. "Can I have some hand sanitizer please?" You ask politely, putting your hand out for ashton to squeeze some into your palm. "How did you do that?" Ashton asked in awe. "I never said I'm not good at bowling, I jst said I don't like it that much." You giggle, rubbing the sanitizer all over your hands, "your turn, I'm gonna go get us some fries and a drink."

calum: You and Calum both sit on the chairs next to your lane and slip on the shoes you were given. Once you guys are done, you grab a ball as Calum sets up the machine. You and Calum stand before eachother, staring at the bowling balls in your hands and then at eachother. "I suck at bowling." You both say, then laugh as you walk up to the lane. You throw your ball into the lane and it immediately goes into the gutter. You turn around and pout at Calum, but he smiles me urges you on. Once Calum goes, he's just as upset as you are. You both have managed to only get your ball into the gutter, if not only knocking down 2 pins. You watch the group of people next to you and how they get a strike everytime, wishing you could be like them. After you and Calum play one game, both of you only reaching up to 25 points, you guys grow tired of bowling and decide to leave. "Never again will we go bowling, those people were totally laughing at us," Calum giggles while starting the car. You nod your head and laugh along with him. "Yeah, let's never go bowling again, please."

luke: "Luke I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so-" "I get it babe," Luke laughed, finally understanding how excited you were. He had decided to take you bowling, and you were excited for the solid reason that you liked the bowling ally's (idk how to spell that um) fries. Your fingers were intwined as you walked into the place and as you got your shoes. You slid the shoes onto your feet with ease and began to walk off. "Where are you going? Our lane is right here," Luke asked, confused. Yiu furrowed your eyebrows and laughed, "I'm going to get fries." Luke rolled his eyes and began bowling without you. When you came back, you sat on a chair next to your lane and began eating the fries. "Are you gonna play?" Luke asks, sitting next to you and popping a fry in his mouth, "I have your name in the thing." Luke points to the large screen with the scores displayed on it. "Nah, I suck at bowling." You sigh, continuing to eat. "I do too, c'mon." Luke pulls you up and forced you to play. You get a few pins knocked down on your first try, but every ally you're getting strikes left and right. You pull ahead of Luke on the score board; you're 20 points ahead by the end f the game. Luke didn't talk to you the whole ride home, amazed how quickly you get the hang of things.

michael: Michael had told you you guys were going out later tonight, so you got ready and waited for him to come home. Once he did get home, he grabbed your hand and guided you to the car. When you guys pulled up infront of the bowling ally, you started freaking out. "No, I'm not bowling." You state. Michael looks at you weirdly, then asks why in a worried tone. "Because, I don't know. I don't like it." you mumble shyly. "Cmon, it's fine, you won't even have to talk to anyone, you just have to play." Michael smiles, catching onto how you were nervous about it. "God, I suck at bowling, this is so embarassing." Michael laughs at you as you grab a ball that was far too heavy and throw it down the lane, knocking down 7 pins. "You're doing better than me," Michael laughed, he'd only knocked down 4. You laugh and hug him tightly. "We can suck at bowling togehter!" You kiss his cheek and hand him his bowling ball, "Says the one who's nearly gotten a strike."

these turned out a lot worse than I expected but!!! for anyone going back to school tomorrow or went back today, YOU CAN DO IT!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK AND AMAZING REST OF THE YEAR. YOU CAN DO IT BECAUSE YOU ARE A SUPER MOTHER FUCKER OKAY!! I LOVE YOU!!! YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!!

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