christmas blurb

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MERRY CHRISTMAS YA BEAUTIES. I love y'all so much and I hope you had a great day, and if you don't celebrate Christmas then I hope you're having a good day anyway :). If you guys want me to do something like a 20 facts thing about myself then comment!! Thanks for voting and commenting, I love you guys!

Ashton: Ashton would go full out for Christmas I think. He'd be sure to pretend that Santa is real so he doesn't slip up and accidentally tell a kid that he isn't. He'd decorate over the top with litte figurines of Santa everywhere and snowflakes around the walls and the tree would be gorgeous, then on Christmas Day he'd have gotten you a really nice necklace or bracelet with a heart felt letter on how much he loves you.

Calum: I think Calum would be more into the Holiday Season rather than just the Christmas season even though that's what he celebrates, he'd be aware of the other holidays going on at the time. Calum would have a simple tree set up and have little winter-y stuff everywhere and make the Holdiday season just generally a good time for the two of you.

Luke: For Luke I think he would try really hard to get into the holiday spirit and hang holiday stuff everywhere and even go all out with the tree but he wouldn't be able to focus on the holidays because of how busy he is. You'd make him sit down with you and make him watch Christmas movies and then the next day you'd see he got you a present.

Michael: I don't think Michael would go super big on Christmas, but I think he'd be pretty classic with it. He'd have a simple tree set up with random ornaments on it and he'd ask you to watch dumb Christmas movies with him to get you both into the spirit. He'd get you a really dumb present but he be really proud of himself for it.

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