he asks you to bail him out of jail

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idk it just kind of happened

ASHTON: It was late on a Friday night and you were watching television waiting for Ashton to get back from a night out with the boys. He had been working really hard on the up coming album, so they decided to have some fun and get smashed. Once some commercials came on, you went to grab another piece of pizza but was interupted by the loud ringing of your phone. "Hello?" You asked, unsure of who was calling you. "Hi, Y/N. It's Ashton... I'm at the police station. I kind of got arrested and I need you to bail me out?" Ashton said with shame. You were shocked, Ash was always really responsible. "Alright then. You better explain to me what happened first." You sighed sternly. "Well I mean we were drunk and I didn't realize we were trying to buy drugs." Ashton said calmly, trying not to laugh. You on the other hand burst into laughter. "I'll be there soon babe."

CALUM: You had at a party with Calum almost all night, it was nearing 3 in the morning and everyone was still hammered, except you. Calum had just turned 19 and wanted to get out, so you joined him. A boy about 2 years younger than you been hitting on you all night, but you tried to ignore his constant sexual remarks. When the boy got hands- on, that when Calum stepped in. Calum threw punches and after 5 minutes of Calum beating the living shit out of the boy, he stopped. Of course the cops came and arrested Calum for battery. You were able to bail him out, luckily, so of course Calum begged you to. "I can't go to jail! Please help bail me out! I have a life to live!" He whined continuously. "Okay, I will." You sighed. "But you're playing me back."

LUKE: Luke had gone out with the guys for a day out, and you were cleanin up the apartment while rocking out to loud music. Luke and the rest of the band needed a day without the interruption of anything, so they went to the zoo on a school day so there would be no fangirls out and about. You had always told Luke you wanted a pet monkey but you didn't think he would go as far as trying to steal on for you. When you got the call from the police department telling you he needed to be bailed out of jail because of him trying to steal a monkey, all you did was laugh. "Y/N, can you bail me out of jail... I tried stealing you a monkey." You got to the police department as soon as possible, gladly bailing Luke out of jail.

MICHAEL: It was no doubt you were known as a "bad girl" in your high school years, and Michael refused to believe you were out if that stage. You had told him you did drugs with a few guys in the back of the school, and told him one of them was your high school crush. He thought that you only liked boys that would smoke weed, and stuff like that, so he managed to get a hold of some and prove that he was a bad boy. "Michael, really don't do that. You can get arrested." You tried to warn him, but he didn't listen, so when he got caught by a police you weren't suprised. You later found out he would need bailed out, by him conplaining over the phone "Y/N I need you to bail me out, I promise I won't try to be cool anymore." But you didn't mind bailing him out because you had been arrested before also.

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