house hunting

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Ashton: Since you and Ashton had just had your second child, you guys finally decided to move out of your small apartment in the city and move to a large house outside of twin where you could raise your family somewhat privately. You were hesitant about leaving the security of the apartment building but Ashton continued to reassure that you guys would be just fine. Your oldest child, your son Spencer insisted that he an your new daughter Skylar tag along with you guys to choose the new house.
Ashton ushered you and your kids out of your apartment door and quickly into the busy streets of your current city, trying his hardest to make sure that no one noticed him. As the real estate agent showed you guys the first house, Ash and Spencer immediately went to check out the bed rooms and game room and other stuff like that which left you and Skylar to check out the kitchen with the real estate lady, Pam. "So, how are you liking it so far?" Pam asked happily. You looked around the kitchen a little more and peeked into the large living room connected to it and smiled at her, "I love it, but I'm not sure it's for us." Ashton and Spencer came running down the stairs out of breath. "Babe, let's keep looking. This place doesn't have a pool." You laughed at Ashton but agreed to keep looking. Nobody liked the second house, it being far too big. The third house, though, you all fell in love with. It was spacious, just enough room for a few more kids and an extra room and a large kitchen. Ashton had calmed down for this house and kept one arm around your waist and the other wrapped around Spencer's smaller hand. "I love this one, Hon. I think it's perfect," Ashton smiled, looking around the living room once again. "I agree," you smiled back. "Do you like this house, Spencer?" Ashton asked, letting go of your hand to be eye to eye with Spencer. "I love this house daddy! I get my own room and a game room!" Spencer explained with a huge smile plastered onto his face. Ashton had a satisfied look on his face as he stood up and played with the small fingers of Skylar, "do you like it, baby?" he asked softly. Skylar let a small giggle slip past her tiny lips. "I think this is our new house then, fam bam."

Calum: You and Calum decided to move out of your mini apartment that he'd claimed as his too and into a small house. Calum, of course, just had to take your shared dog, Boo, along with you in your house hunting experience although you claimed that maybe that wasn't the best idea. "Cal, most people don't take thei dogs house hunting with them," you laughed, putting an emphasis on dogs, "but I guess we're not like most people, are we?" Calum put Boo on a leash and guided her out the door, you following close behind. You met Pam, your real estate agent, in front of the house you guys found online. "Is it okay if we bring our dog? She has to like the house too," Calum laughed, bending down to lift up Boo and cuddling her into his chest. Pam gave you guys a weird look but smiled anyway, nodding her head yes. You guys followed Pam into the small surburban home with smiles on your faces, excited to finally see the home of your dreams in person. It was a small home in the most private part of your city as possible, there was a large yard and a few rooms with a good sized pool in the back. Of course it's been everything you guys have ever wanted for a long time but now seeing it in person, it's even better. "Calum," you sighed in awe after you'd searched every inch of the house, "I love it." Calum had let Boo run around a bit in the fenced back yard while Pam looked over the paper work. He wrapped his tattooed arms around you and smiled back, "I love it too, is it official? Is this our home?" he asked which raised eyebrows. You looked around the backyar you guys were standing in androgen smiled, looking straight into Calum's eyes. "Well, it's all up to Boo now, isn't it?" You guys called Boo over and she trotted over to you guys. You life's her into your arms and asked her quietly, "is the the home you like?" Boo barked happily and you and Calum looked at eachother, calling Pam over. "Can we sign the paperwork now?"

Luke: You and Luke had never been a very, might I say, "mature" couple, so everyone was quite worried when you both announced that you'd be moving in together. After a few failed attempts of finding an apartment you like, you guys were now standing in front of the first apartment with the real estate agent Pam, giggling at the name of the building. She already looked irritated with you guys but she decided to be professional and ignore your guys' child-like behavior. After entering the apartment you and Luke went straight to the kitchen to see if it was big enough, not even listening to Pams instructions and details on the house. "Luke! Look how much chips we could store in here!" you squealed, motioning to the cupboards after he turned around to look at you. Suddenly he gasped, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the back where the bedrooms would be. Pam followed, quite fed up with you guys but holding her ground. "Babe," Luke exaggerated looking at the view out the window of the masterbedroom. "Yes, this apartment is known for their good veiws, it's located in the perfect part of the city. You see-" Pam started, but you cut her off, grabbing Luke and pulling him towards the connected bathroom. "Luke, this bathtub is huge! We could take baths together!" You whispered to him cheekily. Pam have you guys a disgusted look but remained calm as she had the whole time."I'm sorry, but in going to have to ask you guys to take this more seriously." Pam said strictly. You and Luke looked at eachother and smiled, asking for the paper work to get the apartment. "Anything to finish this appointment," she muttered, reaching into her slick black brief case to pull out the papers. Luke took the papers and filled it out as he was the one paying for it and looked at you before signing the final signature, "You know, I usually hate sharing my living space with people, but you're an exception." Pam looked at you guys with a smile as Luke scribbled his messy signature down on the paper and looked at you with a lazy smile.

Michael: Michael had unofficially moved into your tiny apartment, so to gain more space you invited him along to find you guys a new apartment to share. Of course Michael wouldn't let you pay for it and only agreed to move in with you if you allowed him to pay for it. It obviously took some time, but finally you guys were face to face with your real estate agent, Pam, in front of an apartment you guys had found online. You guys had attended a few open houses to see what you like in a living space and really all that you guys really required was a large bed and a big living room for Michaels multiple game consoles and your giant book case full of books. You guys entered the private apartment and immediately feel in love at first look. Michael held your hand tightly, nervous but excited about officially moving in with you. "Michael look at this TV that comes with the apartment oh my god and look! I could put my bookcase there!" you smiled happily, pointing at different things you liked. So far, you'd been in love with the furniture that came with the apartment and how open and light it was. Michael continued to agree with you as you went trough the area. "And in here is the master bedroom, complete with another TV set and a king size bed," Pam smiled at you both. "Michael, you know, big beds save relationships," you giggled, thinking about how much space you'd have to move around in your sleep now. Michael laughed and winked, "big beds do a lot more than that, babe." You slapped his chest as Pam looked around the room uncomfortably. "Hey, look!" you pulled Michael towards the balcony and hovered over the edge, Michael pulling you back in fear that you'd flip over the edge. "It's so pretty," you smiled in awe, "the whole apartment is." Michael smiled down at you as Pam came out to the balcony also. "Is this the one guys?" she smiled. Michael looked down at you for reassurance that this is the one. "Yeah, it is," Michael giggled. You joined in with him as Pam went to get the papers you guys needed to fill out. "I'm so happy to be moving in with you," you gush. "Beleive me, I am too."

DIDNT CHECK FOR SPELLING ERRORS, LIKE ALWAYS. anyway I'm really proud of this ok so don't rain on my parade anyway yeah bye THANKS SO MUCH FOR 200K BY THE WAY I LOVE UOU ALL SO MUCH THANKS FOR VOTING AND COMMENTING ILY ILY ILY ILY ISSKFJRI also I have no idea how buying a house works so just go with it

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