He meets your family/ parents (Mashton)

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ASHTON: "what if they don't like me? what if they think I'm not good enough for you? oh my god! what if they forbid us from being together!" ashton rambles on and on.

"Shut up. They're not like that, they'll love you I promise." you reassure him, grabbing his hand as he continues to drive.

Ashton sighs but slowly nods. Once you get to your house he's shaking but trying to okay it cool.

"Calm down would you?" You laugh at him while opening the door.

"I'll try." he mutters.

You yell to your parents that you're home and they come into the living room where you and ashton were standing.

"Well aren't you a cutie! (Y/N) didn't do a very good job a describing how good looking you are!" Your mother gushes while lunching his cheeks. You silently laugh to yourself at his suprised face.

"Ashton, pleasure to meet you." Your dad formally says to him while shaking Ashtons hand.

"Pleasure to meet you too sir." Ashon looked really nervous to be meeting your dad, as you were a daddy's girl.

"Please call me (Yourdadsname)." Your dad smiles, totally forgetting the overprotective dad look.

"And call me (yourmomsname)" your mom smiles at him. "I hve a feeling you're gonna be with our little girl a while, am I right?"

"Absolutly. Your daughter means everything to me. I wouldn't mind spending forever and a day with her." Ashton smiled while looking at you lovingly.

I guess you could say that Ashton and your parents got along wonderfully.


"Just a heads up, my family is probably the weirdest family you'll ever meet. I hope they won't scare you away." You laughed at your family while explaining what your family was like to Michael, hi was going to be meeting them in the next 10 minutes.

"I just hope they accept me." Michael mumbles. Michael had been pretty nervous that they wouldn't like him, even though you were sure they would.

"My parents like everyone, don't worry." You said as you shut off the car in your driveway.

you walked up to the door but before you could open it yourself, it was opened by your little brother and sister shooting nerf bullets at the two of you.

"guys stop! Ill freaking hurt you!" you yelled at your younger siblings jokingly chasing them into the house.

"(Y/N) be nice." yor mother scolded you earnig a eye roll in response. "And this is Michael I'm assuming?"

"No mom this is bob the builder." You said seriously.

Your mom laughed at called to your two older siblings and your father, who must've been downstairs.

"Hi michael, I'm (Yourmomsname)." You mom smiled at h and he relaxed a little.

your older sister came and said hi to the two of you, who had already met him and your brother gave him a dirty look before stomping off to his bedroom.

"It's nice to meet ya Michael! How are ya?" Your dad laughed.

"It's nice to meet you too, I'm good how are you?" Michael replied awkwardly.

"I'm good, just a bit suprised that (Y/N) brought someone home. She literally has NO friends. It's because she too funny looking." Your dad replied with a smirk on his face. You slapped your dad's arms lightly but he out a secure arm around your shoulder. "I'm just reason ya."

"I know." you laughed. "So babe, this is my family. we're a bit odd but yanno, we're kinda cool."

"I like you guys" Michael laughed and he soon became a close friend of your siblings and to your parents.

((((exactly how it would go if michael met my family😅))))


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