the story so far- navy blue - song pref

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ASHTON: now I just abuse substances to drown out your accomplishments (his p.o.v)

Ash, I'm moving to New York City to do what I've always wanted. I let you live your dream, why won't you let me live mine?

Her words replayed in my head all night, and even I wake up with them. I should've just let her do what she wants, then she wouldn't have broken up with me and we'd still be togehter. Well, not really togehter but in a relationship. But no, my life is to crazy to move to Bew York with her. Why did she even want to go to that fucking dancing school? I understand dancing has always been a huge part if her life but wasn't I enough to keep her say? No I just sound like an asshole. So for the past few days that she's been gone I've been drinking non stop, I don't even know what I'm putting to my lips anymore but I like the bitter taste and the way it makes my head spin. She could live her life and I could live mine, even if I was miserable. I miss her.

CALUM: all of this frustrates me bad, cause I can't stay mad at you (your p.o.v)

You walk into you and Calums shared apartment and sigh. You'd had a hard day at work and you didn't want to be bothered to do anything else, but of course since Calum was home from tour, you're home was a mess. It made you really angry how he was so careless and didn't care that your apartment was a disaster, but you usually let it slip. But not today. "Calum!" Your screamed. "What babe?" He said happily skipping down the hallway. "This place is a mess! Don't you ever clean up after yourself?" you mumbled inchoherant swear words as you tried to clean calums clothes that were scattered around. "Oh my god I'm so mad at you Calum." you screeched with frustration. "Babe, calm down I clean it up." calum chuckled giving you puppy dog eyes. "God dammit." you sighed with defeat. "Why can't I stay mad at you?" you giggled hugging him.

LUKE: she told me don't think like that, it's really not that bad (his p.o.v)

"This is going to suck. 10 months without seeing you or touching you? I cant even go a day without begging you to come over. How the fuck and I supposed to do this (Y/N)? oh my god I can't go." Luke rambled as you wait for his plane to be called with the other boys. "Luke." You sighed hugging him tightly.You though about what you were going to say for a moment before you looked into his again, and when you did you saw tears running helplessly down his cheeks. "Don't cry. You'll have so much fun, you won't even miss me too much. You'll play to your fans and travel around the world. If I really needed to I can take a few days off to visit, but your living your dream. Don't think negatively. It's really not that bad, I love you." His plane was called and he panicked again. Yku fave him one last hug and quick kiss on the lips. "Go have fun. I love you." You laughed. "I love you too baby."

MICHAEL: if it's something serious, then hit me up but until then the door is shut. (your p.o.v)

Michael had been stupid enough to piss you off so much that you kicked him out of your house that he'd recently moved into, you knew he other places to stay until he had a good enough apology. He had been a dick to you, and you were done. You still cared enough to let him near you if it was something serious, but really, you just needed time, and so did he. Michael knew that he should've been nicer to you about everything and he felt bad. You kept yourself locked in your apartment and did anything that didn't remind you of michael, because you knew you'd give in and make him come home. Although you loved Michael more than anything, he needed to know that you wouldn't put up with his bullshit.

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