late nights

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this is cute and adorable and idek it's basically just something that could happen late at night and I DONT KNOW

ASHTON: Ashton had needed to stay in the studio all day, so when he got home he just wanted to cuddle. It was late, nearing 1 am, but you didn't mind. He needed a good cuddle so that's exactly what you gave him. "Y/N, do you like, not like my job sometimes? It always worries me that you don't like my job and you'll leave me for someone who has a job that's easier to cope with." Ashton whispers quietly, not wanting to ruin the peaceful silence. You thought for a moment before speaking, "Of course sometimes I wonder if this is what I really want, but then I remember that at the end of the day I have you, and that's all ill really need in life." You smile, running your fingers through his soft, curly hair. "What if one day you decide that even though at the end of the day you have me, that's not good enough, like, you want someone who's physically there all the time?" Ashton asked, unsure of your answer. "Ash, baby, don't think like that. I'll always be 100 percent in love with you, and I'm always willing to go through whatever I have to go through just to always have you. I love you so much okay? Don't doubt that." You replied sternly. "I love you more, baby." Ashton smiled, raising his head from your chest to kiss your lips softly. He grinned at you once he pulled away and started to giggle. "Jesus Ash, just go to bed." You laugh, pushing him into his side of the bed. He lays down but soon ends up cuddling into your side again, with his arm tightly wrapped around your torso.

CALUM: You and Calum had both ended up catching a severe cold which ment neither of you could sleep. Both of you were either coughing, sniffing, blowing your nose, or complaining all day and by midnight, you both just wanted to lay down. Of course, Calum starts coughing, and you groan, rolling over to face him. "Cal, did you take more medicine?" You ask suspiciously. Calum stared at you for a second before muttering a quiet "yes." You rolled your eyes, knowing he was lying and getting out of the soft bed to get him some. Once you got back you shoved the medicine and water in his face sternly. "Take it." "No Y/N. It tastes yucky." Calum complained. "Calum take the damn medicine so we can sleep please." You sighed, but Calum wasn't having it. "No babe, it makes my taste buds upset." He giggled like a little boy. You got a few centimetres in front of his face and looked him in the eye. "Calum. If you don't take the medicine I'm spending the night at Ashton's." You said as seriously as you could. Calum took the medicine from you and gulped it down with a scowl on his face. After a whole the medicine kicked in and he stopped coughing, so he wrapped his arms securely around your body and fell asleep quickly.

LUKE: Your 5 month pregnant body wobbled down the hallway to where Luke was finishing the last bit of the song he's been writing and huffed. Luke looked at you with worried eyes, making sure you were okay. "What do you need babe?" Luke asked timidly, knowing you've been getting angry easily. "I want enchiladas." You sighed, sitting down on the couch carefully. Luke gave you a funny look, but ignored how random your start was. "Okay then. I'll run down to the grocery store and see if they have frozen enchiladas." Luke smiled, grabbing the keys and kissing your cheek before heading out the door. It was nearing midnight, so you were hoping Luke made it there before it closed. When Lule came back with a back full of frozen enchiladas, you grinned so big he was worried your face would fall off. "Luke honey, can you make my enchiladas please?" you ask sweetly. "Sure hun, just wait in the living room and I'll be right there with your enchiladas." You smiled and kissed his cheeks swiftly. "I love you Lukey." You gushed before heading into the living room. "I love you too babe, and I also love this hungry little one." Luke laughed, bending down to kiss your belly that held your first child.

MICHAEL: All you could see was homework and bills creating a moutain like pile on your desk. Michael was down stairs watching TV, he had origanally come over to spend time with you, but you told him you had took much work to do which left him in your small couch all alone. Once you got a few pages of your endless amount of homework done and payed one of the many bills, you realised you couldn't continue to pay for both your small apartment and college tuition. Realitly hit you and you also realised you would either have to give up college or your house, and you soon began to hyperventilate and couldn't breathe. Hot tears ran down your face as you paced back and fourth trying to even out your breathing. Michael heard your loud sobs and ran upstairs to see why you were crying at 2 am and not cuddling him. "Y/N, what's wrong why are you crying? Breathe, breathe." Michael wrapped his arms around your waist and you burried your rad into his chest. "I don't have money for this. I can't keep paying for my apartment and college." You cried. "Hey, hey. You can live with me? I can pay for the house and you can go to college okay? Sound good?" You were relived and emotional, but hugged Michael tighter than you ever have. "I love you so much, Mikey. I don't know what I'd do without you."

excuse the spelling mistakes and also someone cry with me bc Michael Clifford ALSO I think I got the inspiration for Michaels from another preference book or a dream I had but probably another preference book so ya creds aye

- ella is lame

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