christmas trees

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Ashton: You stood on your tippy toes trying to reach the top of the tree to put the star on it. You grunted, finally giving up and turning around to see Ashton giggling at you. So far he hadn't been much help, only putting the tiny glittering bulbs around the tree and playing with everything that caught his eye.

"Ash," you whined, "stop laughing at me and help." You propped on hand on your hip sassily.

"Alright. Alright," Ashton giggled again, standing up to help you. He lifted you up gracefully just enough so you could put the sparkly star on the top of the tree.

"You're not much help Ash." You laughed after he set you back into your feet. You continued to wrap lights and banners around the tree and place cute snow globes around your shared living room. "I've done all of the work so far." Ashton gave you a look that meant he clearly didn't agree with you, "Of course I have. I out the lights around the tree, and I helped a little bit with the ornaments and I even made you lunch. Our first Christmas Season together is going great, I think." Ashton laughed again, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.

"I think it is too." You agreed while snuggling closer to his body, "I think it's going perfectly." Ashton kissed the top of your head lighty and sighed, "I want to spend the rest of my Christmases with you, lovely. Oh and our future kids, duh. Maybe a pet turtle?" Ashton asked.

"Of course, dummy. I would love to spend the rest of my Christmases with you and our future family too." You laughed softly into his chest, the thought if having a family of your own to wake up to on Christmas morning already making your heart flutter in excitment. Of course you knew that you and Ashtons kids would be adorable and all around lovely. "I love you darling." Ashton smiled back, even if he knew you couldn't see him. His grin stretched across his face for miles, just of the very thought of decorating a Christmas tree with your future family. "I love you too Ash."

Calum: "Y/N! I like this one!" Calum yelled across the abandoned forest, trying to get your attention from a few feet away. "I want this one to be our Christmas tree."

You made your way over to calum and observed the small, fluffy tree intently. Your eyebrows were furrowed together in concentration as you played with the crowded branches on the tree softly. "Baby, you look so cute right now." Calum hummed, standing behind you and wrapping his muscular arms around your waist firmly.

"Hush, I'm trying to see if I like this one," You snapped back at him playfully, still checking out the tree. "Well hurry up because it's fucking cold outside," Calum muttered, making his teeth chatter for extra effect.

Looking at the tree made you imagine getting home to decorate it with Calum, this being the first Christmas you guys would actually spend together. Calum would lift you up to put the ornaments on the taller parts of the tree and would mostly laugh at you attempting to make the tree as pretty as possible. He would have to deal with all the lights too, due to your inability to figure out how and where to plug them in at. Calum would bug and pester you about where which ornament should go and you'd disagree, him finally realizing that you were right all along. Once you guys get finished with the tree you guys would make cookies and decorate them but most likely end up with a good fight and a huge mess to clean up, including the mess from putting up the tree.

"Okay. I like this one.Lets figure out how to chop it down," You stated. Calum looked at you wide eyed, and nodded his head. Eventually you guys got the tree down - after a bloody leg of Calums, and almost swinging off an arm, of course - you guys loaded the tree into your car and headed home to make your imagination a reality.

Luke: Luke pushed the large tree into your living room with a huff, you and your small daughter and son, Skylar and Cobain, following close behind. "The things I do for you guys." Luke muttered, standing up and cracking his back.

"Daddy! I love this tree so much!" Cobain giggled, reaching his arms in the air wanting to be lifted up by his dad. Luke reached down and lifted him up, swinging him in the air a few times. "I really like this tree, guys. Skylar let's go get the ornaments and we can decorate it okay?" You said. You and Skylar trotted down to the basement and each grabbed a box of ornametns and brought them back upstairs to see Luke and Cobain setting the tree in the corner and making it pretty enough to decorate. "Okay dudes. Let's do this," Luke smiled at your small family happily. Each of you hung up your share of ornaments and and lights.

"Okay Y/N. Whis turn is it to put the star on top?" Luke asked you. "I think Skylars? Right?" Everyone nodded in agreement and Luke lifted up your daughter carefully and let her plant the sparking star on the top of the tree.

"There you go! Now the parties started, am I right?" Luke asked loudly, happiness radiatingoff of him. Just having your family togehter this Christmas was more than you could ever ask for. Everyone cheered and took a step back to admire the work out into the tree. Sure, it looked a little loopy and it was obvious a 6 year old and 3 year old did most of the work, but it looked good. Friendly, and homey, and generally gave off the vibe that all four of you are a very close family; which of true and decorating the tree every year as a family is somthingokay you ways look foward too. "Can we make cookies now?"

Michael: You and Michael sat in a tangled mess of Christmas lights and sparkly streamers. Obviously you knew that this being your first Christmas actually spent togehter was going to be quite an adventure, but you had no idea that you'd end up in this kind of mess.

"Okay all of these work, now we just have to put them around the tree," Michael said seriously, although it was hard for you not to laugh. He was taking your first Christmas togehter very seriously, even decking out in fluffy plaid pyjamas and an ugly Christmas sweater and making you do the same.

"I know how to do that!" You said happily, shooting up into a standing position causing all the lights previously stacked in your lap to fall to the floor and getting ready to wrap the lights around the large tree. "Okay, babe. Just be careful eva use the tree is kind of pokey in some places." Michael laughed, preparing tok help you if you needed it. You skipped around the tree while wrapping the lights around it very ungracefully while jamming out to the Christmas music playing loudy. Eventually Michael joined in on decorating the tree in sparkly banners and multi colored lights that reminded him of his hair. "This is so fun, it's a bummer we could do this last Christmas" Michael giggled, wrapping his arms around you.

"I know, but at least we'll be togehter this time, which I'm really enjoying by the way" You smiled up at him and tapped his nose lighty. "Well, it's a dream come true to spend my favorite season with my favorite person," Michael smiled back at you, his eyes glistening with pure love.

"Oh stop it," you sighed, pushing him back a little only to have him pull you closer. "No really, I've dreamed if spending Christmas with the love of my life since I was twelve, thank you fro making that come true, you cute dummy," Michael said thoughtfully, poking your cheek playfully. "It's my pleasure, dumb fuck," you giggled back, turning away from him and continuing to add things to the tree. "Hey," Michael pouted. He started placing ornaments on the tree with you, turning to you every now and then to tell you he loves you randomly.


While I was writing Ashton I kept thinking of little Mirashton babies and it honestly made me so happy and excited (((sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about, you're missing out)))


love the dumb and untalented and sleep deprived coffee addict who complains about michael clifford too much and listens to heavy metal too much - ella 😌💖🌟

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