you see him cry for the first time

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I'll be doing a 20 facts thing if anyone wants me to so just comment if ya want ((I'll also update a preference don't worry young grasshopper)) LOVE YOU

p.s - I'm rly proud of this pref but I didn't check for spelling errors soz

ashton: You and Ashton were in a heated argument over something stupid, there were insults being said left and right and hands flying around in every direction. Fame was catching up to the two of you. You'd been out recently with some old friends, which some of them just so happened to be boys, someone had taken pictures of you and since Ashton wasn't with you, he blew up on you and accused you of cheating on him. "Ashton! You're being ridiculous! I have old friends okay?! You're the reason I never get to see them!" You screamed as tears formed in your eyes, "God, and you'd think your boyfriend would trust you but apperantly not." Ashton was clearly furious. His fists we clenched and his eyebrows were furrowed, giving off the impression that he wanted to slam stuff into a wall, "Well maybe if I had a reason to trust you!" Ashton yelled. You prepared to say something back but stopped yourself. If he wasn't going to trust you then what was the point of keeping the relationship going? "Okay then, I'll just go. You can find yourself a girlfriend that you can trust," you smiled bitterly, making your way out the front door. You stopped yourself and turned around one last time, not even bothering that he had began to let the tears he tried to hide earlier fall freely down his face, "oh, but make sure she doesn't have any friends because she might be cheating on you with one of them." Right as you turned to leave, Ashton's strong grip pulled your arm back, your body colliding with his as he wrapped his arms rightly around you. His body shook with sobs as you stood still. "Please don't go, I just get insecure sometimes, I know I'm not the perfect boyfriend and I just get so scared you'll leave me. I'm sorry, I do trust you, okay? I trust you with my life and I love you more than anything just please don't go. Please," Ashton cried. Seeing him cry made you hurt, he'd always been so tough and strong. "I'm not going anywhere, but you can't just assume I'm cheating on you, okay?" You asked, pulling away and pushing some hair off his forehead. "I won't, I promise, that was so dumb of me and I shouldn't have blown up like that and I'm sorry," be replied, guilt laced with every word. "I love you too then, Ash," you mumble with a smile on your face, still trying to be mad but failing miserably. "Good," Ashton grins while stepping closer to you and giving you a huge hug and a sloppy kiss.

calum: Calum had been quiet all day and hadn't said much, subtly ignoring you and any of his daily tasks. You'd wanted to ask what was wrong but you wanted to give him time. After hours of sitting awkwardly on opposite sides of the couch he got up and without a word and locked himself in the bedroom. You had asked the other guys if they knew what was up with him, but none of them had any clue. You cleaned and you baked and even napped, trying to get your mind off how distant Calum was being. You wondered if you had done something wrong and he was upset with you but you couldn't think of anything. Finally you got fed up with Calum's behavior and decided to address it. You knocked on the door to the room he was locked in loudly and called his name. "Calum, please open up?" You heard a muffled no and some shuffling. "Calum, seriously. Just open the door," you sighed. The bed springs creaked signalling he had gotten out of bed and then the door cracke open. The Calum in front of you was not a Calum you'd seen before; his eyes and the skin around them were red and swollen, his face was blotchy and he was sniffling every two seconds. He still had slow tears on his cheeks, but he didn't bother to wipe them off. You stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly then led him to the bed and say him down. His head found its way to your shoulder as he began crying again. "Calum, darling, what's got you so upset?" you ask softly. He mumbles in response causing you to laugh, "babe, I can't understand you, you're gonna have to actually speak." Calum sighed and then said slightly more audible, his voice cracking, "I don't understand why all of my fans hate me. I try to smile with fans, I really do but sometimes I'm just so tired and worked up and anxious that I can't bring myself to smile for them and I get called a douchebag for it? God, I'm the worst person ever. Those pictures probably mean the world to them and I didnt even smile." Calum shook his head in disappointment. "Cal, you're okay. It's okay." You sighed, bring his head to rest on your chest while he cried, "I'm sure they understand how stressful your life is right now and you're only human, you kind of have to not be okay all the time. It's okay that you didn't smile in the pictures; sure maybe it would be a little more special if you were to smile and it would show a little more appreciation from you to them but really, you need to take care of yourself first and focus on getting things done and making sure you're healthy rather than focus on smiling for fans and reading the mean things they say." As you finished Calum looked up and you and grins, "you forgot something," Calum giggled, "I also need to focus on being a better boyfriend and talking to you about my problems instead of ignoring you." You laugh and nod your head, "that's a good idea too, I love you Cal, and you're worth so much." Calum smiles at you and kisses your cheek, "I love you more."

luke: ((I don't really remember A Walk To Remember so if I get anything wrong pls correct me)) You had forced Luke to watch a couple movies with you, the first one being a good old horror movie that neither of you enjoyed very much and the second was some sappy chick flick. As the Main Menu for A Walk to Remember shows up on the screen you and Luke brace yourseleves knowing it will be sad. You'd seen it multiple times and had explained the main plot to Luke a few times, but he had always refused to watch it claiming that it's not masculine enough. As the movie progressed, you could tell Luke was getting really into it. His eyes were focused intensely on the TV and not a muscle in his body was moving. You could tell her was liking it, but he would refuse to admit it later. As the movie neared its end you had began crying, but only a little bit as you had seen it so many times. When Jamie died at the end of the movie you turn to see Luke with a few silent tears streaming down his face. Now, to any normal couple this would be normal, it's a sad movie so of course you're going to cry while watching, right? But, in the 2 years of you and Luke dating you'd never seen him cry. Not even have you seen him shed a tear. He'd always been the tough and strong one in your relationship that always made sure he was okay. As odd as him crying was to you, you moved over and rested your head on Luke's shoulder lightly. "Why you crying babe?" you smiled up at him. He was still crying, but smiled down at you anyway, not caring that he was crying in front of you for the first time, "that's a fuckin sad movie and I never wanna watch it again." You raise your eyebrows in confusion. Luke then sighed, then laughed at himself. "No, that movie just made me think of us being put in that situation. You get sick and leave me all alone, I'd never be able to do that." You giggle at Luke and his scrunched eyebrows, obviously hurting from the thought of you dying. "Luke, babe, I'd never leave you, even if I were to die I'd never leave you, okay? Because I love you." Luke leans down and kisses your forehead, making a drop of water land on your hairline. You laugh and brush it off as Luke mumbles a quiet "sorry" while laughing too. "Well, now you've seenu cry," Luke says, you laugh again and reply, "I'm always crying, don't be embarrassed."

michael: Ever since Michael lost his passport he'd been fairly quiet, seemingly upset with something. He'd moped around and hardly even talked to you which had you worried, normally he wouldn't shut up. You'd tried to ask him was was up multiple times but he ignored you and turned away. As a good girlfriend would, you stayed with him in the US while the other guys headed out to do their duty until he was able to receive a new passport, which was taking quite a long time. You were both lounging around in the hotel room you'd been given to stay in, when Michael turned to you with visible tears in his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows in concern, leaving over to grab hold of his hand. "Y/N," Michael mumbled. A few droplets of water leaked out of his eyes creating a stream of water down his cheeks. You'd never seen him cry before because he'd always been so though, like nothing could ruin him. "Mikey, hun, what's wrong? What's got you so upset?" You ask. Michael shakes his head signalling he doesn't want to tell you. "C'mon, babe. It's okay," you sighed and motioned for him to lay next to you. Instead, Michael put his whole body in your lap and place his head in the crook of your neck, making the soft skin of your neck and the tee shirt of his that you wore wet. "I'm dumb enough to lose a passport, the most important thing I need, I miss the boys already and I'm so tired. I'm not fit to be in a band," Michael said, his voice muffled. He was shaking and it made your heart break at his vulnerable state. "Mikey, baby," you cooed softly, "no one is fit to be in a band, you're human okay? You'll get another passport soon enough, one time I lost my homework for a sraight month, yeah! A month! We'll get to see the guys again in a little bit but for right now, you and I can sleep and cuddle and do whatever, alright?" Michaels tearsecebtually stopped, leaving his face blotchy and his eyes swollen and red. He looked at you through his wet eyelashes and sighed sadly, "you're too good for me." "No I'm not," you laughed, then noticed how he was looking down at his fingers with no emotion. "Mikey, you're so amazing. Do even realise how great you are? You're beautiful and amazing and I want you to be happy all of the time," you smiled happily noticing his eyes brighten and a smile to stretch across his face. Michael wrapped his arms tightly around you and mumbled "I love you" into your ear multiple times. "I love you more, Mikey." He smiled at you brightly and shook his head, "that's impossible, no one could ever love anything more than I love my girlfriend who sits with me while I cry."

WOW I didn't check for spelling errors sry bye ily TONS

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