what kind of dad he is

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ASHTON: I think ashton would be a very care free and fun dad, but also be super protective and stuff. he'd want his kids to e just like him but support whatever decision they make. I think he'd just always want what's best for you and his kids so he'd be really loving and try to be home as much as possible, and when he's on your he'd loose hours of sleep just to skype you guys cause all he really needs is to see his kids smile.

CALUM: Calum would basically another child for you, but also be mature when he needs to be. he'd be really fun and playful and he'd be that dad that plays on the playset with your kids just to chase them around and stuff. and when he's on tour he'd have a really hard time without you and his kids so he'd fly you guys to wherever he is and bring his kids on stage and stuff and just be a really happy dad and yeah.

LUKE: Oh geez Luke wouldn't really know how to be a dad at first but then it'd hit him like "woah I'm a father now ok" so he'd be very serious but super fun and sweet and he'd always do whatever your kids asked even if it made him look like a fool but if it put a smile on their face he'd be happy. Luke would be that protective dad that makes sure he knows everything that his kids are doing but be very discret about so he doesn't bug them yanno but he'd just over all be a great dad.

MICHAEL: I think michael would generally be a over protective dad and husband like he'd always make sure you guys are okay but he's be super caring and soft and the other boys would make fun of him but he'd just shrug it off cause his kids are his whole world and he'd be that dad that does the airplane stuff and swings his kids and he'd be really hesitant and upset to go on tour cause he hates being without them but then you'd visit him and mike would just be a cute dad idek.

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