"i hate..."

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these are short but whatever


"I hate how you can always do stuff right and I always mess things up." You poured to your boyfriend after his band practice. "Shut up, you know that's not true, there a lot of things you can do right." Ashon laughed. "Like cooking, and dancing, and being pretty... and other things." Ashton winked, making you believe that he was right.

CALUM: "I hate school and everything that comes with it! Why can't I be forever stupid or naturally smart." You screeched, throwing your textbook infront of you.

"babe, calm down its okay. You're incredibly smart, you've just been working too hard. Come cuddle with me then you'll feel better." And of course, he was right.

LUKE: "I hate people. with a burning passion and I want to punch everyone in the face." You hissed, your face plastered with hatred. Luke laughed, "what's got your panties in a twist?" "the fact that I can't watch TV." you sighed. "it'll be fixed soon okay?" luke laughed, but you didn't budge, "I'm just so mad"

MICHAEL: "I hate this, I hate you, I hate my uncoordinated fingers. Ugh." you sighed, sinking further into the couch you and michael were cuddled on. "You'll figure it out soon, I'm just a master at this game. Don't worry babe." Michael said seriously trying not to laugh. michael leaned in and kissed you on the cheek and you immediately felt better about being bad at video games.

rly short and sucky update because my siblings are being annoying and I'm sleepy

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