cute moments

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I saw the picture that's attatched to this and literally choked ok

You and Ashton were tangled togehter under the warm, fluffy sheets of your shared bed, taking advantage of the rain and calling a rainy day. Mostly all you two had done was sleep, watch countless movies, and eat the cheap popcorn Ashton bought. Your head was pressed against Ash's shirtless chest with your arms wrapped around his times torso, one of his arms wrapped firmly around your over-sized tee shirt clad waist and the other hand resting softly on your bum.

"Babe." Ashton whispered over the Disney movie that was playing.

"Yea?" You whisper back, mimicking Ashtons voice.

"I really wanna do this every day. I love you so much, and you have a nice bum, very firm but also squishy. I don't know it's just a cute bum. I love you." Ashton giggled cutely, forgetting about the movie.

"God Ash, I love you too." You laugh loudly, trying to move so Ashtons hand wa no longer on your bum. He did let you though, he used his other arm to keep you in place. Finally you have up, kissing him on the cheek before laying back on to his chest.

"I'll pull out your chest hair, Ashton." You sigh.

"I'll squeeze your bum." He replied back.

You had texted Calum you had a bad day, and all you really wanted was him to be home from the studio to cuddle with you and make you food, but he had to stay late tonight, saying he as told much inspiration he had to let go. You layed on the couch in Calums sweats and tee shirt watching the latest American Horror Story. Eventually you got hungry, so you got up to go to the kitchen. Instead of making it to the kitchen though, you were scared by someone barging into the apartment. You jumped in fright, about to scream before you realized it was Calum. He had a massive stuffed puppy and a bouquet of flowers, also managing to have a box of pizza of his other hand.

"Oh my god Calum! You scared me!" You screeched while he stood in the door way, staring at you.

"Well, are you gonna help me?" He finally asks. You grab the puppy and flowers, sneaking a whiff of the fresh scented flowers.

"Is all this for me?" You ask shyly, putting the bouquet of flowers into a case and grabbing some pizza off the counter, still holding the puppy.

"Well even if it wasn't it would be now." Calum laughed, motioning to the flowers and pizza slice you were eating.

"Oh." You giggled, knowing it was for you. "Thanks babe. I love you, I guess."

"I guess. I guess!? C'mon, I literally just did all this for you and I get I guess? I'm a fucking good boyfriend god dammit, you better love me." Calum huffed. You laughed and stuffed the rest of the pizza into your mouth.

"I do love you, very much." You hugged him tightly, the stuffed puppy dangling on the floor slightly.

Luke had taken the day off to spend time with you at your apartment for a day alone, without anyone bothering or pestering you two. He was telling you jokes and stupid pick up lines, while you laugh and shake your head with a random cartoon playing softly in the background. Although spending a good amount of time with Luke was rare, you guys got past the awkward phase quickly, Luke being more confident and odd around you than anyone else.

"I wish we could do this everyday." You giggled, shoving more Mac n' cheese in your mouth.

"I do too." Luke said looking down, looking slightly nervous. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, before he continued to speak. "I mean we could, you could move in with me or I could move in with you, or we could buy a house together- I mean if you want to it's just we've been together for so long I thkugh it wa an appropriate thing to ask but if not that's okay. Totally fine." Luke rambles, stuttering violently. "I just really love you and I wanna marry you sometime in the future and yeah."

"Luke, that's a great idea!" You yell happily, reassuring him that you feel the same way. You kissed him on the lips softly, giggling as you continue to tell him how much you love him.

MICHAEL: Michael was at the store with the guys while you were at home waiting for them to get back for a movie night to celebrate you and Michael moving in together, even thkugh you only had a TV set and a large chair. While Michael was at the store, he found a Ninja Turtles blanket that he knew you'd love, so he bought it for you. When they got back to you and Michaels apartment, he shoved the blanket into you arms.

"I bought this for you." He said happily.

"Michael! It's so soft! I wanna cuddle with you with it." You giggle. Michael looks at the boys all spread across the ground and lays next to you in the only chair you guys had.

"Really dude?" Luke laughed. "I thought we were gonna cuddle."

"No, I'm gonna cuddle Y/N." Michael decided, getting comfortable with you cuddled into his side. "Shut up Luke, the movie is starting."

Luke mumbled and loud "Whipped" which had the other boys laughing their butts off, clearly agreeing with Luke. Michael buried his face in your neck, grabbing your hand and interlocking your fingers with his. "I don't care if I'm whipped."

I don't know why I wrote this ehhhhhh I want a fuzzy ninja turtles blanket though

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