you tell your kids that your family pet died

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ASHTON: You had found the familys dog in the back yard, dead, after your 3 kids had gone to school. The dog was old and you and Ashton were both expecting it, but I still hurt a little. You called a the animal shelter to get your dog and called Ashton to tell him the news. Of course he was upset too, but you were both more hurt that you had to tell your 3 young kids that their best friend died. Ashton came home early and hugged you tightly. "I don't want to be the one to tell them Ash, I can't do that." You sighed looking at him. "We'll take them for ice cream when they get home and I'll tell them there, is that okay?" Ashton smiled slightly and you nodded. When your kids got off the bus, you take them to get ice cream. Their a bit confused because they're never aloud to have treats before dinner, so you knew you had to tell them now. "Okay guys. Something happened today and insure you guys might be a little upset, okay?" Your kids all nodded with worry in their eyes. "(y/dogs/n) died today but he's in a better place okay?" Your kids all sunk into their seats and cried a little "We can get a new puppy though, it's okay!" If course your kids were upset for a while and they would never forget your old dog, but they were also looking forward to a new puppy.

CALUM: Your 6 year old daughter had gone off to school, Calum was at the studio, and you at home cleaning. That was until you got a phone call. Your neighbour explained that she had seen your daughters cat get hit by a car, and you were devastated for her. You decided it would be best to tell Calum and then get her out of school to do something fun. Her cat was like her best friend and she almost didn't go to school on her first day because her cat wasn't allowed to come. Calum obviously didn't want to have to tell her the news, so he let you take care of it. You didn't mind though, you knew he would break down at the sight of her upset. You picked her up from school a little early and took her out to her favourite cupcake place and sat her down on a near by bench. "Ok honey, I need to tell you something okay?" Your daughter nodded quicklyand you fondly wiped some icing off her upper lip. "(Y/cats/n) died today honey. I'm sorry." You sighed. She burried her head into your chest as her body shook with sobs. "mommy, I miss her." "it's okay darling, we can get a new, and younger one!" Eventually, a month later she was done mourning and her and Calum got a baby kitten that you decided would be an inside cat, not wanting to go through the pain of telling her again.

LUKE: You and Luke's 5 year old son got basically anything he asked for, as long as he was polite and reasonable. He was never greedy, and that's exactly how you and Luke raised him. When he headed off to a friends house you went into his room to clean it up a bit, but only found his hamster on the floor of his cage. You thought nothing of it, until you realised he wasn't breathing. You didn't care much for your sons pet, but you new he'd be upset. "Luke!" You called. Luke cake up the stairs quickly and he asked you what you needed. You glanced at the hamsters cage and sighed again. "I think his hamster died."

Luke looked at his hamster again and broth it outside to burry it while you picked up your son early. When you came home, you told him you had to show him something and brough him To the back yard. Luke had made a fake tomb stone. your son realised what had happens and ran into Lukes arms. "I'm sorry buddy, it's not your fault. I'll make you cake and your favourite dinner and we can watch movies and even stay up late, and you can sleep with Mom and I until we remove his cage okay?" Your son nodded understandingly and smiled sadly. "I love you mommy and daddy!"

MICHAEL: Michael was upstairs looking for his phone charger that he had let your two kids use one day. You heard a loud squeal and the rush of Michaels loud footsteps on the stairs. "Babe, if fish are floating does that mean they're dead?" You sighed, knowing what had happened instintly. "Flush them down the toilet and I'll go get the kids." You stood up to get your kids from the yard but he stopped you. "Can't we just get look alikes so we don't have to tell them?" "No, oh my god. Just order pizza and get out the ice cream and we'll tell them." You got your kids and sat them down on the couch. "Okay guys, so your little fish died but we got pizza and ice cream and we can always get new fish." Michael said quickly. You kids looked at each other sadly, they were never to over exaggerate. "We don't know how to take care of fish, lets just get a cat or dog?" Your oldest said quietly. You all laughed half heartedly and agreed, then you all ate ice cream and pizza for dinner after wards, just to make sure the kids were okay though. After a few weeks your family got a cat and dog for the company.

I updated on the first day of school cause I'm a bad bitch bye

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