new years kiss

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Happy New Years!!! I hope 2015 treats you well and you're safe and happy! Love y'all to pieces!!! P.S. this is short but idc cause I hurt my finger and I'm typing this on my phone


"Y/N, do you want red or white wine?" Ashton asked while walking into the living room with both wine bottles in his hands. You guys had set up a fort in your living room with pillows and blankets for New Years Eve, wanting to spend it together without any interruptions. "Both, obviously," you giggled, setting the popcorn and bags of candy on the coffe table neatly. Ashton laughed but popped both corks out anyway. He placed his body next to yours on the couch and pressed play on the remote, a random movie going into play on the TV screen. "I know you don't like it when I always talk during movies, but this is the best possible way I can think of to spend my New Years, I love you," Ashton whispered quietly into your ear. He had cuddled into your side as you kept your eyes concentrated on the screen. You laughed cause he was right; you hated when he always talked during the movie but you still blushed and agreed. "Yeah, it is. I love you too," you smiled and went back to watching the TV. Ashton did too, but noticed the clock on the bottem of the screen. "Wait!" Ash yelled. You turned to him but instead of seeing his goofy smile, your face was right in front of his, your lips locked togehter for a New Years kiss.


You and Calum were sat around a bonfire with a group of friends. His fingers were tightly laced with yours, protecting you from the multiple drunk men and keeping you in his sight. The clock was slowly ticking down to 12AM that would mark the new year. You had neve had your New Years kiss and Calum knew that, so he planned on giving you just that. You laughed along with a few of your friends and the stories they were telling. Calum talked with his friends, a beer in his free hand. Although he had his own friends to talk with, he glanced over at you every few seconds. The countdown eventually turned to one minute until the new year, and Calum turned to you giving you a cheeky smile. You smiled back, tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Happy New Year!" Calum yelled over the noise. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, "Same for you!" You yelled back. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Calums lips smashed onto yours, giving you exactly what you had wanted.


You sat with Luke in the treehouse you guys have shared since your single digit age days. Multiple bottles of beer surrounded the floor around you along with empty pizza boxes. You were telling Luke a story about your favorite memory of the year even though he had lived it with you. Its not like Luke was even listening, he was admiring you; the curve of your lips when you talked, the way your eyes shine in interest, your annoying hand movements that he claimed her hated, everything. "Luke, are you even listening?" you laughed. Luke nodded even though you knew he wasn't listening. "Sorry, but I do remember that day very clearly Y/N," Luke smiled at you. "Spending New Years with my best friend is the best as it gets," you sigh and look out the small window. The sky was dark and the stars were shining as bright as Luke's eyes to you. "Hey happy New Year!" you suddenly heard Luke yell. You smiled and puckered your lips, pretending to have a New Years kiss. "Let me help you out," Luke laughed and placed his lips gently on yours.


"New York is so pretty Michael, thank you so much for bringing me," you smiled gratefully at Michael. He had taken you to New York City on New Years to watch the ball drop, something you've always wanted to do. "Anything for you, darling," Michael smiled back, wrapping his arms around your shaking figure. It was basically freezing, but neither of you really cared. Michaels chin was rested on your head with his arms wrapped firmly around your shoulders. You cuddled into his body, trying to get as much of his heat as possible. As the last minute of the year approached you and Michael untangled from eachother and watched in awe as people chanted down the seconds. When the ball dropped, Michael turned to you and smirked. You stood on your tip toes and pressed your lips on to his passionately. He wrapped his arms around your waist and smiled, causing you both to pull away laughing.

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