cute things on a daily basis

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idk what to call this but it's basically just something he naturally does everyday that's become normal and stuff so ya

ASHTON: it's simple but he always says "I love you." It's something he feels like he needs to always remind you so you know that your his one and only. He'd either mumble it sleepily into your neck at night while your both drifting off to sleep, or on the phone if he's away on tour I with a sad smile. Either way, you're reminded you're loved.

CALUM: It may be odd, but he likes to help you with anything, wether it being picking out your clothes or cleaning up around the house, he likes to help you. You appreciate his kindness and always make him do the first work around the house, but he doesn't mind because as long as you're happy, he's happy.

LUKE: He watches you do your makeup everyday. Even though he claims you don't need it, you protest and end up doing it anyway. He watch with intense eyes as your cover up your true beauty and look at all your makeup with a look of confusion in his face. Sometimes he does it for you, but he normally just watches.

MICHAEL: He makes you coffee every morning. He learned to wake up before you, which wasn't hard, and make you coffee. He waits patiently until it's brewed and wakes you up with it and watches you drink your coffee with tired eyes and a slight smile.

I'm drinking tea that smells like autumn and listening to eminem and I'm vvv happy

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