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good morning I hope u have a great day 💖💫😌

ASHTON: Mornings with you and Ashton are always an adventure. You guys will usually lay in bed for a minute before finally getting out of bed and immediately starting your day. Sometimes you guys might go for a short jog or something before coming home to shower, and you usually make breakfast for the both of you while Ashton sits on the counter while he watches you cook and explain to you what your plans are for the day.

CALUM: Mornings with Calum I think would be really laid back and peaceful, you guys would usually shower together (not in a dirty way, most of the time) and then eat cereal together in your under clothes. You guys would just go about your day with no plans, just winging it.

LUKE: You and Luke would probably have contests to se who can wake up first, and whoever wakes up first has to make breakfast. Usuallyits Luke that wakes up first because he'd train himself to so he can cook for you. You guys would stay in your pyjamas until you guys have plans for the day.

MICHAEL: Michael I think would wake up and make you tea or coffee and then lay back down in bed with you while you drink it. You guys would stay in bed for half of the day and then finally get up and slowly go about your day.

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