sing for me - yellowcard (Ash/4)

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I just hope you know, the future in your heart is just about to start

"Ashton, remind me again how you got me to do this?" You ask, stopping to catch your breath. Ashton laughs and turns around to see you hunched over with your hands on your knees. "Well, I just wanted to take my cute girlfriend out and you agreed, is that so bad?" You didn't think "Hey I'm taking you out today" would mean hiking up a mountian. You roll your eyes and jog to catch up to him and maintain a steady pace, your footsteps in sync with Ashtons. So far you'd ripped your favorite blouse, dirtied your freshly polished converse and your hair was starting to frizz up. Ashton tells you nonsense stories about how when he was younger he'd go hiking all the time, but you were slightly more focused on trying not to trip over the sticks and rocks scattered across the path. "So is there a stopping point?" You ask Ashton, looking around at your surroundings. It was quite the mountain, really. The narrow path was outlined by tiny stones and the trees were so big you had to lean your head all the way back just to get a glance at the top, plus, the sky looked beautiful today. "Yeah, it should be around here somewhere, probably 5 to 10 more minutes." Ashton's shrugs nervously. He continues to weave his way through the branches while looking around, "it should be here somewhere." You spot an opening to the forest you guys were walking through and point it out. Ashton led you over and nodded his head, a huge grin plastered on his sweaty face. "Yeah, this is where I wanted to bring you." Ashton laughs, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto the wooden, beat up bench. He had lead you to a cliff type thing, out looking the whole city. It was beautiful. "I ruined my favorite shirt for this, Irwin," you laugh, shaking your head, "but this is beautiful, thank you. Totally worth it." "No problem, but it's not nearly as beautiful as you." Ashton smiles widely and stands up, pulling you up with him. "Are we going already? I need a break man!" Ashton shakes his head at your lack of experience, taking your hands in his. He looks at you nervously and drops one of your hands to pull something out of his pocket. After seeing the small box, you know what's happening. You let out a small laugh as Ashton nearly falls over trying to get on one knee but compose yourself. "Y/N, I had a speech planned out since like, 3 years ago but I've just now forgotten every word to it so I guess I'm winging it." Ashton giggles, opening the box. "You're honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Inside and out. I don't know what I'd do without you, you're my rock and my soul and you keep me from floating too high into my world of dreams and I can't thank you enough for that. When I'm with you I feel nothing but happiness, I don't know how to stay mad at you. What I'm trying to say is, I love you more than words can describe and that's still not enough, so please, my dear Y/N, will you marry me?" By now both you and Ashton had tears falling down your cheeks. "Yeah, of course I will." You smile happily, wiping the tears off your face and pulling Ashton up off the ground. Ashton slips the ring onto your finger and wraps his arms around your waist. "This was more than worth it." You connect your lips to his and the world stops. In that moment, the sounds of the city silenced and the aching of your limbs went away. "I love you." you mumble. "I love you more," Ashton mumbles back, smiling against your lips. After a good 20 minutes of expressing your love to one another, you decided to go back home and rest. Ashton gave into your pleads and carried you halfway down the mountain. When you guys got back to your shared apartment, Ashton started peppering questions at you like an excited little kid. "What colors do you want the theme to be?" "What brand of Tux should I get?" "What kind of dress do you want?" "Who's the maid of honor?" Of course you didn't mind Ashton being excited to marry you, you just wished he wouldn't throw so many questions at you at once. "I don't know Ash, we've been engaged for like," you turned to look the the time, "3 hours." Ashton sighs loudly and plops himself on the couch next to you. "I'm just excited to be spending my life with you, you know?" Ashton asks, pulling you into his arms. You nod your head and smile up at him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek while doing so. "I'm excited to spend my life with you too. I've always wanted my future to be exactly like this...and I'm so beyond happy that this is how my life turned out." You reply. "Well, the future in your heart is starting, darling."

Shout out to my homegirl (who I ship with Ash very much) OhsnapitsDani because I love her HER BOOK "Good Girls is amazing, check it out y'all!!! AND!! The other three I'm starting to write so they'll be up soon maybe???

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