first "i love you"

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ASHTON: "Ash, not saying I don't like this, but why on Earth are we doing this?" He had taken you on a picnic at dusk, the sun was just setting and the colors of the sky lifting up the small park perfectly. It was incredibly cheesy, but you didn't care. He was smiling like a little kid on Christmas, though he looked a bit nervous.

"I just want to do something special for my amazing girlfriend, is that okay?" He smirked. "You're incredible ya know?"

"Well." You giggled annoyingly, flipping your hair in attempt to be extra girly.

Ashton rolled his eyes at your immaturity and you laughed grabbing his hand. You guys were sat down on a small picnic blanket eating the sandwiches ashton had so kindly prepared.

"(Y/N)" Ashton said nervously, catching your attention. You nodded, encouraging him to continue. "The real reason I brought you out here is to just to be with you. You're amazing and in the 6 months we've been together, you've become my everything. (Y/N), I love you. I love you a lot."

"The feelings mutual, I love you too" You smiled and leaned in for a passionate kiss.

(((Wowowowow super cheesy)))

LUKE: It was in kindergarden, the first time the words "I love you" we're said in you and Luke's relationship. You guys had been best friends since a little before you had started school and decided that since you were finally big kids in school that you can finally be "boyfriend and girlfriend." Eventually, in second grade, you two believed in cooties and "broke up" and stuck with the title of best friends. You two stayed best friends until you were both 15, and developed genuine feelings for eachother and started a ral relationship. Although you two said "I love you" throughout your childhood years, when you were an official couple and you told eachother the three special words, it felt like there was a whole new meaning.

(((aw aw aw a w a w)))

CALUM: A heated argument between you and Calum was taking place in his apartment. Things being thrown, harsh words being said, and an amazing relationship of almost a year going down the drain little by little. All you could remember about how the fight started was that it was about trust. Rumors flying around social media about him cheating and since he hadn't told you he loves you yet, even though it's been a year, a piece of you believed the rumors.

"Well maybe if you weren't gone all the time as wanted to spend a little time with me instead of your friends I would believe you!" You yelled at him across the room, with tears falling freely down your face. Calum was crying too, though he was trying to hide it by quickly wiping his face each time a tear fell.

"Don't blame this on the band (Y/N)! You know that they're my main priority! I cannot believe you're stupid enough to believe the fucking internet!" Calum yelled back. That did it. Knowing that you weren't a priority for Calum broke your heart.

"I'm done with this, I'm leaving." you said calmly although your voice shook.

In that moment something registered in Calums head and before you opened the door the words came right out of his mouth, his voice cracking. "No don't go. I
love you and we can work it out. I would never cheat on you and you have to believe me. Youre my everything and even though the means a hell of a lot to me, so do you. I can't loose either of you. We can work through this. Ill spend more time with you I promise."

You slowly walked back to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. "I love you" you whispered. "I love you more" He whispered back.

(((calums is longer idek)))

MICHAEL: You were both sitting on the couch playing video games, what's new? You were currently beating Michael in Mario Cart and e was beyond irritated. No one had ever beaten him and he didn't want that to change. You and Michael had been dating for 5 months now, but you were already in love with him. You didn't want to be the first to say anything though, in fear that he didn't love you back quite yet. The game was pretty intense. You were in first place and Michael was in 2nd place with the other 10 players not far behind. Michael was quickly speeding up to you and you were both cursing at eachother to the screen. Finally, the game came to an end and you were the first to ever beat Michael.Michael dropped his controller in defeat, staring at the screen that displayed your victory in disbelief while you danced around his living room, making sure to dodge the emtpy pizza boxes and juice pouches from your lazy weekend together.

"I can't believe I just lost to my girlfriend." Michael scoffed.

You stopped dancing like a maniac and pecked his cheek lightly, "It's okay babe, maybe next time you'll win." You bragged.

Michael wrestled you into the ground gentile making sure not to hurt you and began tickling you. You laughed loudly as he squeezed your sides.

"Admit is was beginners luck!" Michael yelled over your giggled with a chuckle.

"No! I would never!" You giggled dramtically. Michael tickled you even more and to the point were you couldn't take it anymore. Michael was laughing just as much as you were as tears from your laughter spilled out of your eyes."Ok ok ok! It was beginners luck!" Michael immediately stopped ticking you and pecked your lips quickly.

"I know"

You rolled your eyes at your childish boyfriend and scoffed. You new it wasn't beginners luck.

"Hey, I love you." Michael blurted out. You looked at him in suprise and started stuttering apologies. You cut him of by placing your lips on his.

"I love you too." You said once you pulled away.


(((Being a michael girl is so hard ya feel)))

Again, sorry for all the spelling errors. I am aware that they are there. I write on my iPhone and I never really have time to read through. Sorry if you can't understand what it was supposed to say.

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